Why we choose simplicity

Our guiding idea for the new chapter of Sinc

Sinc Agency
Sinc Agency
4 min readDec 21, 2023


At Sinc, we recently cleaned out a storage space that contained a lot of our agency’s history. While looking at outdated office-supplies and one very dusty karaoke-set, we were reminded of how our agency has evolved in these last couple of years. We worked with new and challenging clients, broadened our range of services and even won a few awards. But reaching some of our goals has challenged us to think about the future.

One of our core beliefs has always been that as a brand, you either choose or lose. The future requires us to make choices on where we want to go, and what we must do to get there. To inform our next choices for Sinc, we conducted a general review of our agency, which pointed out something interesting. Although our team has a clear vision of who we are, what we do and where we want to go, we felt that our brand accumulated some noise over the years, and contained a few elements that no longer fit us. So for the last few months, we have worked to offer our clients a more streamlined and cohesive impression of our agency. Simply put, we simplified.

With an improved and simplified version of Sinc, we wanted to realign our brand with who we are as an agency, because simplicity has always been a guiding principle in our daily work. As a strategic business partner, we deal with a fair amount of complexity, but this complexity ignites questioning, research, insight and conviction. Through complexity, we help our clients in achieving a clear and effective simplicity. In our creative output, we find that the most effective concepts and designs are often very simple ones. Their simplicity helps us to cut through today’s information overload, and holds the power to evoke a more direct and emotional response.

So we started applying our belief in simplicity to our own brand. We simplified our approach by defining the three key stages of our workflow as See, Believe and Achieve. We simplified our messaging by prioritizing and finetuning what we want to bring across. We also designed a clean and simple visual identity, which we have now incorporated into all major touchpoints. The bright new website pulls focus on screenwide visuals and translates our updated approach to a variety of case studies.

Illustrated characters (here portrayed: See, Believe and Achieve), add a light and playful layer to the strategy and identity

When we think about the future of Sinc and what it means to ‘Switch on tomorrow’, we also think about the collective future that we share with the rest of the world. Several social and ecological crises seem to have marked our already complex age with a general sense of urgency. We believe that these issues can’t be ignored, and warrant a more conscious and proactive mindset. That’s where our choose-or-lose philosophy applies as well: As a brand, you need to show what you stand for. There’s no shortage of different voices and visions for the future within our team, and we’re excited to support our current and future clients in making impactful choices that transform their business, as well as their bigger picture.

Progress is a process, and we’ll continue the ongoing development of our agency and its workforce. Through Sinc Lab for example, a collective ‘laboratory’ where we free up time for skill development and freeform experimentation. We actively encourage our in-house talent as well as our creative partners to develop and build on their own interests, research, ideas and initiatives. The Sinc Lab sessions allow us to maintain an inspiring work environment, while we simultaneously expand the range of possibilities for our clients as well.

The results of some of Sinc’s Lab projects: The reimagining of the iconic Bialetti on the left, and an NFT project with illustrator Magoz on the right.

We’re very proud of our updated, simpler and stronger Sinc, and of the portfolio that we’ve been able to build in the 17 years of our existence. Through engaging strategies, identities, campaigns and other solutions, we look forward to designing new ways to switch on tomorrow. Curious to find out how we can help to realize your ambitions? Or still not exactly sure about what your organization needs? Visit our new website to learn more about our work.



Sinc Agency
Sinc Agency

Switch on tomorrow. We are a creative agency that, today, shapes the brands of tomorrow.