Words: A Visual Series

Kayla Young
Since You Asked
Published in
2 min readMar 14, 2018

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”

This ancient playground taunt played a very toxic role in shaping my angst-ridden childhood mentality. I thought “you can’t hurt me, so say your worst” while simultaneously letting each harsh word bury itself into me, latching on and damaging me from the inside out for years to come. Now as an adult I can take the school-yard quip for what it is: a lie. Words are one of the most powerful tools in our human arsenal and we often use them to cause the most destruction.

In this visual series, I would like to explore the emotional role we allow words to have in our lives and the power they have to shape, control and influence us.

I find this quote to be full of joy and defiance, which to me are integral to fostering optimism. We must find joy in everything we do, but this takes a good measure of defiance; joy does not come easily but rather it is a choice. The cherry blossom tree is traditionally a symbol for the ephemeral beauty of life, a reminder to enjoy it while it lasts. A lesson easier to understand in the springtime. No matter what this new season brings me, I will search for and stay in the light. Spring is a time of resurrection, of rebirth. We let go of our winter skin and begin anew.

