10 Everyday Shakespeare Quotes (That You Forgot About)

Flourish, enter the King.

Brianna Bennett, M.A., M.F.A.
Sincerely Sarcastic


403 years have passed since his death, and William Shakespeare is still considered the greatest writer in the world.

With that legacy came several phrases that have integrated themselves into everyday vernacular. There are many more than the ones listed here, but these are easily the best-known examples.

The Merry Wives of Windsor (1602)

“The world is your oyster,”
Modern translation: You have the ability or opportunity to achieve anything you want in life. [source]

“Long and short of it,”
Modern translation: The plain truth. [source]

“As luck would have it,”
Modern translation: Something has come about by fortunate chance. [source]
I know I’m guilty of using the “just my luck” variation of this phrase. I’m trying to be better about it, but I still slip up from time to time.

The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (circa 1603)

The greatest irony of my life is that I love The Lion King, but I detest the play that it is based on.

