“Lucy, You Got Some ‘Splainin To Do…!” (Except You Don’t)

‘Splaining isn’t unique to men; but it’s so much worse when it comes from a woman.

Brianna Bennett, M.A., M.F.A.
Sincerely Sarcastic


The title of this article comes from the iconic 50’s television show, I Love Lucy. The premise of the show is basically that Lucy is married to Ricky Ricardo; Ricky works all day while Lucy takes care of the home. Naturally, this leads to shenanigans and Ricky coming home each day to say:

“Lucy! You got some ‘splainin to do!”

The 1950s were an interesting time period in America — widely considered to be one of the high point’s in the country history; gender roles were very clearly defined and marriage was always between a man and a woman.

That said, as time went on and the second wave of feminism rolled in, these very specified roles began to get blurry.

Fast forward to modern times, when online anonymity is at an all-time high and people are sharing more and more of their vulnerable sides for the internet to poke and prod and downplay.

Enter Holly Bradshaw.

On October 23, Holly published “My First Blow Job was Rape — Why Didn’t I Know?” In it, she chronicled an early relationship with a partner who was emotionally abusive and an…

