Submission Guidelines

Traci Glenn
Sincerely, solitude
3 min readNov 28, 2020

Your roadmap to getting published with Sincerely, solitude.

Photo by Stanley Dai on Unsplash

Welcome to Sincerely, solitude. This publication was created with artists of all kinds in mind. We want to show the beautiful side of solitude. We believe that writing is a form of active meditation that allows people to reach depths of themselves that they haven’t yet faced.

We want to be the place where you feel you can slow down and explore all facets of yourself. If you desire to write about your most influential life experiences and perspectives, then you are in the right place!

What We Are Looking For

  • First and foremost, we are looking for writing that makes us feel something. A common theme on Medium is “write with the readers in mind.” While we completely agree with this concept, we ask you to go beyond that. Write with yourself in mind. We want to hear your most insightful thoughts. We believe that sharing raw and honest expression makes both the reader and the writer better people.
  • Solitude. This word carries a heavy connotation. However, we see solitude as a beautiful thing too! We imagine our writers are the type of people to spend a week in a cabin in the woods, alone, away from the chaos of the world. We want to see stories inspired by this healthy detachment from all of today’s distractions. (Note: While we do want to share the positive side of solitude, we aren’t only looking for light and uplifting writing — we want to hear from people with all different perspectives on life).
  • When submitting stories, please make sure they are free from typos and grammatical errors. While we emphasize emotion in our stories we also believe that writing techniques can either help or hinder that goal. (To help with the editing process, we recommend using a tool such a Grammarly. The free browser extension works wonderfully on sites such as Medium).
  • We only accept original, unpublished drafts (although re-working an existing piece to fit within the theme of the publication is fine).
  • Please make sure that your work is submitted as members-only. This will make your work eligible for Medium curation and allow you to possibly earn money from the article. (Note: You can always share any article with non-members by sharing your friend link).
  • Following this list alone does not guarantee that your story will be published. Please inform yourself of Medium’s rules to make sure that your work is in line with what is expected on this platform (it covers topics such as restricted categories, ads and promotion, privacy, hate speech, and much more).

Being Added as A Writer

Ready to write with us? Great! Please complete the following form and submit your sample story for consideration. (Note: Refer to this article by Casey Botticello to learn how to share a draft URL).

If your story is accepted and published, you will be added as a writer to our publication. This means the next time you write a draft on Medium, you will be able to submit it directly to us. This article explains submitting a draft once you have been added as a writer for a publication.

The Wait

As we are a new publication, we will review requests as they come and provide feedback as quickly as possible. Please keep in mind that the spirit of this publication is quality over quantity. We do not aim to publish a certain number of articles per day. Thus, if your story is rejected for publication please do keep trying! We focus on honest artistic expression and human connection above all else and creating work like this takes time.

Thank You

We are honored that you have considered sharing your deepest work with us. We look forward to and are grateful to be able to learn about your experiences and your view of life. In the meantime, please feel free to share any questions or concerns in the comments!



Traci Glenn
Sincerely, solitude

A self-portrait photographer trying to find out if a picture really is worth a thousand words.