The Awakening

Traci Glenn
Sincerely, solitude
1 min readDec 27, 2020
Photo courtesy of the author.

I think about it all the time now.

I feel it brushing against my skin, making my hair stand on end.

I feel it caressing my deepest desires, entangling itself in everything I long for.

My past, my present, and my future are all viewed through this new lens.

It has transformed every aspect of my life. It’s chained to nearly every thought that flows through my mind.

It makes its way into everything that I do. It doesn’t wait to be invited — this is its home now too.

It curls up next to me at night, keeping me warm or keeping me aware.

I can’t shake it — we have become one.

In fact, we always were one. My life without it was only an illusion.

Sometimes I love it; sometimes I hate it.

My feelings for it are irrelevant. The awakening was only a matter of time.

I think about it all the time now.

For better or worse, it is here to stay.

I think about death all the time now.



Traci Glenn
Sincerely, solitude

A self-portrait photographer trying to find out if a picture really is worth a thousand words.