A Disney Dream!

Sindhura Venkatesh
Sindhura Venkatesh
Published in
3 min readFeb 5, 2019

My friend Gita is a hopeless romantic. Well she’s hopelessly single too (in case you were wondering), nevertheless she believes that true love’s kiss can save you from a poisoned apple. Bring up the topic of love in front of her and you’ll hear an hour long rant on how she’ll meet her prince charming someday and they’ll live happily ever after. Trust me you’ll save yourself a trip to Disneyland after talking to her.

Gita is old school too. Much like Sheldon Cooper, she believes that algorithms used by dating sites are complete hokum. Why use scientific and logical methods to meet someone when you can rely on sheer dumb luck right?

But then, Gita actually met someone.

Unfortunately, he was neither a prince nor was he charming. Well, there was nothing wrong with him, but he wasn’t exactly a McDreamy you’d mull over. I thought she was heartbroken. As I was shopping at Macy’s I was imagining different ways of telling her, “Welcome to the real world!”. But to my utter disbelief, I saw her shopping in the Men’s section of Macy’s, looking at T-shirts and watches.

When I walked up to her, she said she wanted to gift him something for this Valentine’s day. I was confused. I asked her how could she be in love with this guy who was nowhere close to the amazing man of her dreams. But then, she said something that blew me away.

“Sindhura, The quickest way to get an amazing partner, is to be one!”

So many of us, when we’re dating, go into investigation mode. We observe and analyze every move of our partner’s under the lens of are they good for us? Do they treat us well? Do they make us happy? Do they do cute things for us that we can upload on instagram? We wait for the other person to do all these romantic things that’ll bring happiness into our lives, while forgetting that we have the power to do these things too. We forget about what we bring to the table. We can bring so much love and happiness in all our relationships, if only we dare to make the first move.

Human beings are by and large like mirrors. Our responses closely resemble the stimuli. We smile when people smile at us, we wave if they wave at us. Surely, we’ll love them if they love us. So don’t shy away from being the first one to say Hi. Say Good Morning to them before checking your phone. Make them coffee without asking when you make one for yourself. Cook them their favorite meal someday. Sow the small seeds that one day grow to spread the fragrance of happiness and cheer.

My point is, one can never get enough of love (and pizzas lol). Each day we’ve been given a chance to lighten up someone’s world, so I say take it! Get out there and live that Disney dream! If you ever watch Moulin Rouge, you’ll know that:

“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return.”



Sindhura Venkatesh
Sindhura Venkatesh

My curiosity hasn’t killed me (yet)! So I hope to question, understand and unravel the mysteries of life.