Feel Good Movies

Light-hearted banter between three friends on the balcony of her house

Aditi Sinha
Sine Waves
2 min readMay 21, 2024


Picture Courtesy: Yaron Orbach

After another long day at work, we found ourselves on the balcony of my apartment. With cigarettes in our hands, we settled into the evening, gazing at the modest view of the bustling streets below.

“Begin Again is such a feel-good movie! It’s my go-to on those really rough days,” I said with genuine enthusiasm.

“Begin Again is such a feel-good movie! Well, ‘feel-good’ only brings one kind of movie to my mind,” replied the person to my right, a hint of nostalgia in their voice.

I was puzzled until the person on my left blurted out, “Porn!” I felt a mix of shock and disagreement bubble up inside me.

“How can porn be considered feel-good? It’s quite depressing when you think about it,” I countered, struggling to understand their perspective.

“Well, it’s like any feel-good movie — you find joy in other people’s happiness,” the person on my right asserted with a smirk.

Adding to the jest, the one on my left chimed in between chuckles, trying to take a drag of his cigarette, “And just like I ignore the problems in my life, I conveniently overlook the male bits in those films.”

And I just stood there between these two amused, awkward, and silent with a couple of thoughts:

  1. Boys will always be boys.
  2. They did make a point though.

