Empowering Voices: a Month of Advocacy for Migrant Women with SINGA — by Fatemeh Jailani

SINGA Blog (English)


A month has swiftly passed since International Women’s Rights Day on March 8th. This time has not been just about introspection but about action. At SINGA, are committed to bringing into the spotlight the nuanced challenges faced by migrant women — a group whose struggles are often left in the shadows regarding the broader gender equality discussions. Our dedication to confronting and dismantling the systemic inequalities affecting these women has been unwavering, fueled by a groundbreaking awareness campaign aimed at bringing their day-to-day struggles into limelight.

Our campaign has sought to highlight this dual vulnerability of being a woman and a newcomer, emphasizing the critical need for interventions that address the intersecting forms of discrimination they face.

The Realities of Being a Migrant Woman

In France, the stark realities migrant women confront are emblematic of broader global issues. With an unemployment rate twice as big as that of their French counterparts and a wage gap of 6%, these women’s experiences underscore the urgent need for structural reforms. These barriers, from employment disparities to the threat of violence, illuminate the necessity of dismantling entrenched inequities within migration policies.

Despite these challenges, the resilience, strength, and potential of migrant women are undeniable. SINGA’s campaign is a tribute to their endurance and invaluable contributions, advocating for support structures that genuinely empower them. By amplifying their stories and pushing for inclusive policies, we aim to foster a more equitable and just society.

SINGA’s Role in Championing Change

At the vanguard of this cause, SINGA has been dedicated to empowering migrant women through innovative programs and initiatives. From incubators that bolster their entrepreneurial ambitions to socio-cultural activities designed to combat social exclusion, our efforts have supported over 1000 entrepreneurs across Europe, with 74% reporting significant socio-professional advancements.

Reflecting on the achievements and challenges of the past month, we renew our pledge to combat injustice and champion inclusion. We invite you to join this transformative journey, to stand in solidarity with migrant women, and support our awareness campaign. Your participation symbolizes a meaningful contribution towards the empowerment of migrant women.

The stories of women like Marie, Sadia, Bonney, Nadia, and Maisa are a testament to the power of resilience, creativity, and the human spirit. These narratives not only highlight the specific adversities faced by migrant women, but also the importance of providing platforms for their voices. Engaging with and learning from these courageous women offers us a chance to shift our perspectives and enrich our collective understanding of human potential.

Your Support Makes a Difference

As we close this period of introspection and action, we extend our deepest gratitude to our partners and donors. Your generosity has been instrumental in our mission to empower migrant women, shedding light on their struggles and triumphs. Your support fuels our continued efforts to make a tangible difference.

The journey towards gender equality and empowerment for migrant women is far from over. There’s still much work to be done, and your support remains crucial. We encourage you to join us in this ongoing endeavor, to make a difference in the lives of migrant women.

We invite you to be a part of this transformative movement. Visit https://potentiel-migration.singa.fr/ to support our mission. Your donation, no matter the size, is a vital step towards a more equitable future for migrant women. Together, we can create lasting change.

Fatemeh Jailani




SINGA Blog (English)

Une société se renforce quand elle s’ouvre à la migration.