Photo Credit : EDAM Entertainment

LOVE WINS ALL — IU Birthday Project 2024

Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2024


Following our very successful birthday project for IU in 2020, bringing 200 Uaeans around the world together for a perfect orchestra of Heart, SingaenaTV is back this year with another project.

In the opening of H.E.R.E.H concert, IU said

누군가에게는 삶 To someone, it’s living
누군가에게는 좌절 To someone, it’s despair
누군가에게는 생명, To someone, it’s existence
누군가에게는 굶주림 To someone, it’s hunger
또 누군가에게는 축복 To someone, it’s a blessing
또 누군가에게는 결핍 To someone, it’s lacking
어쩌면 쉼 Perhaps, rest

This is a world where our lives intertwine yet the same existence could mean so many different things to so many people. If we choose love over hate, this positivity could spill over to infinite beautiful moments for us and for the others.

With this, in the month of May, let’s celebrate IU’s birthday differently this year! As we all know, IU has made numerous contributions back to society over the years and we would like to do the same.

You are invited to join us in this meaningful project where we give back to the society. Aligned with the global tour and the theme of Love Wins All, our goal is to unite Uaenas worldwide to engage in charitable activities for our local communities during IU’s month. No individual is ever too small to contribute.

Here’s what to do

  1. Gather a group of your like-minded Uaena friends together
  2. Shortlist and select your charity or social cause of choice
  3. Upon confirmation of your charity activity, fill in the form here to inform us of your participation before you carry out the activity. We accept different Uaena groups taking part from the same city/country.
  4. Please make sure that you and/or your friends who are taking part in the social cause for that day are wearing purple (in any shade). This is to represent ONE IUAENA globally.
  5. Following the activity, we will require video footage captured before and during the event, ranging from a minimum of 5 minutes to a maximum of 15 minutes. (Please do understand that by participating you and/or your friends agree and understand the footages will be used publicly on SingaenaTV’s YouTube and also potentially across social media.)
  6. The video will be edited by us and uploaded onto our YouTube Channel. A copy of the video will also be forwarded to EDAM, Members of IU Team and IU herself.

Filming and upload instructions will be sent to you upon receipt of your request for participation.

Please make sure you fill in the form correctly.

Dear Uaenas, we once again look forward to your enthusiastic participation. Let’s make this another memorable IUaena memory.

On behalf of SingaenaTV and our partner fan bases; IU Guardians Taiwan, IUaena Sri Lanka, Saranghaeu (Indonesia), IU Turkey, IU x Uaenas International Discord, USAena, IU Canada, we thank you for joining us in making this IU month a truly unforgettable one.

Singaenas at H.E.R.E.H concert

For all inquiries, please email to or message us across our Instagram, X, Tiktok and Telegram.




SingaenaTV Blog — Dedicated to our projects and publishing of event reports.