Guide To Using The Gnosis Multisig Wallet-ERC20 Token

胡家維 Hu Kenneth
Singapore Blockchain-Dapps
7 min readJan 24, 2019

This article will walk through how you could deploy your own multisignature wallet, using the Gnosis Multisig Wallet and having it act as a Light Wallet.

In this guide, I will be using:

  • Ropsten Testnet network
  • the Gnosis Multisig UI at, with settings selected to the Ropsten network
  • Ropsten Testnet ether
  • MetaMask
  • Ropsten Testnet Kenneth Token(KT)。Address : 0xb6d1d15ad59dead5c74cf62a6c0e57774b92a488 Please let your wallet address in Responses and I will send token to you if you don’t have any token.

If you don’t install please install MetaMask and get Ether by the following link

MetaMask Installation

Get Ether from Ethereum ROPSTEN testnetwork

Connected to Metamask

  1. navigate to
  2. It will be connected to Metamask when open gonsis。
  3. Check whether it is in Ropsten Test network . If not in Ropsten Test network, Change to Ropsten Test network on MetaMask

4. Please click ”Setting” Tab if you cannot change to Ropsten test network. Select ” Default (MetaMask, Mist, Parity …)” under Web3 Provide and then click ”Update settings”. You may have to refresh your web browser page for the settings to become active.

5. Select “remote node” under Web3 provider, select “Remote Ropsten” under Ethereum node and click ”Update settings”. You may have to refresh your web browser page for the settings to become active.


  1. Create a wallet and confirm who has a multi-sign wallet
  2. Transfer Ether into multi-sign wallet
  3. Add Token into Token list
  4. Transfer Token into multi-sign wallet
  5. Transfer Token from multi-sign wallet, but the trade fair will be on hold and wait for the account 2 to sign
  6. confirm the Account 2’s signature in transaction
  7. Confirm the Account 2’s signature and then transfer Token

1. Deploy a new multi-sign wallet

1.1 Click “Add” on the right side of Wallet

1.2 Click “Create new wallet” and “Next”

1.3 Enter Name Required confirmations 、 Daily limit (ETH) and the addresses of the owners and then “Deploy with factory”:

  • Name : Wallet name
  • Required confirmations : The number of approvals needed from the owners (signatories) of the multisignature wallet (not to be confused with transaction confirmation). Here I enter 2, meaning that at least two people need to sign for a transaction.
  • Daily limit (ETH) : A limit which could be withdrawn without the need of required confirmations as configured in Required confirmations.
  • ADD: These are the owner addresses acting as a signatory for changes to the wallet, notably withdrawals, confirmation changes, daily limits, and ownership changes.

Names on the Gnosis Multisig Wallet

The names (i.e. wallet name, owner names) are stored locally and not on-chain on the Gnosis multisignature smart contract, so do not be surprised upon reinstalling and reinstating the multsignature wallet address after a computer reformat, the names are not there. On-chain, the smart contract expects only the owner addresses, confirmations/approvals required, and the daily limit figure.

1.4 Click ”Send Transaction” to deploy MultiSig Wallet but it will need Ether to pay gas fee. You should be greeted with a “Deployment transaction was sent” message on the top right corner.

1.5 Click “CONFIRM” in MetaMask popup .

That didn’t take long. Once the transaction was confirmed, we can see the wallet showing up on the Wallets tab. Please check whether your transaction is successful if wallet did not show up.

2. Transfer Ether into Multi-sign Wallet

2.1 Click “Deposit”

2.2 Enter the amount and then click ”Send Transaction”

2.3 Customise the Gas limit and Gas price (GWei) and click on “Send transaction”:

2.4 Click “CONFIRM” in MetaMask popup .

2.4 The amount is shown under the Balance.

3. Add Token into Token list

3.1 Click “Wallet name

3.2 Click “Add” on Tokens

3.3 Enter Token Address and then that Name,Symbol and Decimals will be shown.

4. Transfer Token into Multi-sign Wallet

4.1 click “Deposit

4.2 Enter the amount and then click ”Send Transaction

4.3 Customise the Gas limit and Gas price (GWei) and click on “Send transaction”.

4.4 Click “CONFIRM” in MetaMask popup .

4.5 10 Token will be shown under Multisig Balance

5. Transfer Token from Multi-Sign Wallet

5.1 Change to Account 2 ( the owner of wallet) in MetaMask.

5.2 press “Withdraw” and then enters 10 under Amount(ETH)

5.3 Click “Send multisig transaction”.

5.4 Customise the Gas limit and Gas price (GWei) and click on “Send transaction”.

5.5 Click “CONFIRM” in MetaMask popup .

Once the transaction was confirmed, you can refresh the page. However, the Token will still remain in wallet. This is because it will need the second owner’s signatory.

6. The second owner signature transaction

6.1 Change back to Account 1( the owner of wallet) in MetaMask.

6.2 Click “Confirm” under ”Confirmations” and then click ”Send transaction

P.S Account is not changed If you see the ”Revoke confirmation” . ”Revoke confirmation” is only shown by owner who invoke transaction

6.3 Customise the Gas limit and Gas price (GWei) and click on “Send transaction”.

6.4 Click “CONFIRM” in MetaMask popup .

All users who sign the transaction will be listed under Confirmations When transaction is confirmed .

You can always check your address for the transaction on (or in this case, on .

Account 2 ‘s Transaction :

Account 1‘s Transaction :

The detail of MultiSig wallet :

Next Step :Guide To Using The Gnosis Multisig Wallet- ETH

I do this because I love it, but if you want me to buy me a cup of coffee I won’t say no :O )Thanks ^^

donation :


Ether : 0xf2d15dEAf62b8c4AFC0343006579E8E662c120D9

Bitcoin : 332UiyAfSXyvhqCYgDgBkNLFSf25ccNV9i

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胡家維 Hu Kenneth
Singapore Blockchain-Dapps

撰寫任何事情,O型水瓶混魔羯,咖啡愛好者,Full stack/blockchain Web3 developer,Founder of Blockchain&Dapps meetup ,Udemy teacher。 My Linktree: