ACE Offsite Meeting 2016

Barry Lim
Government Digital Services, Singapore
5 min readMay 16, 2016
Hello cool people! :)

Hooray! We just launched Business Grants Portal (BGP) in beta, two weeks ago! Other than a bug for processing grant application with Chinese characters, the release is a non-event. Oh boy, we love boring releases! :)

And save the excitement for our first overseas trip to Johor last week!

Our driver took us across the causeway for breakfast in the district of 皇后. We then headed for our chalet at Kukup.

After check-in to the chalet, we visited the neighboring National Park, which is a mangrove swamp. Unfortunately, the park was under massive renovation, we only managed to experience a small fraction of the entire park. Nevertheless, there were ample photo ops.

Fun shopping

Purple Doraemon and Talking Cock biscuit
Julia’s rolling with our poison

Lunch’s so good …

Dinner’s even better

Yunlong, mai siam lah! :P

Team bonding

WeiJie, KiaHwee & Shermane saving the world from a Pandemic

The team got together to pen their wishes on the 孔明灯. One of the most memorable wish was to 升官发财, which initiated some discussions among members of the team, including consultation with the all-knowing Google.

Lighting the 孔明灯before take-off
Huat ah!

The Karaoke machine was kept busy throughout our stay in the chalet, with reports indicating the shutdown time nearing 3am in the morning. It was great fun for both the singers, and also the audience supporting the singers.

Our 歌神 and 歌后 in action.
More team bonding moments in video compilation by Sharlene Wong


In the midst of all the fun, we also had some serious moments. It was during TCSS Part I, where we got to do some self-reflections with respect to Business Grants Portal development, and to share those thoughts with the tribe.

TCS Part I — Self Reflections

In TCSS Part II, the 3 newly formed squads (Reach, New-Type & Meteor), sat together to strategize on each team’s future, identifying concerns and also contributing ideas on how to improve the team’s performance.

Meteor @ TCSS Part II

Overall the session was very productive, reflecting on the past, appreciate the present and also planning as a team, moving forward.

Finally, it was time to leave.

Not forgetting to return the baskets and trolley that helped transport our beverages to the chalet ;)

Many thanks to Hoon Ling for organizing this trip. I look forward to our next offsite meeting.

Make work so fun, and you will never have to work again!

