“Startup in Singapore 👉 NO More Bets!!” — A Business Case Study with Real Data

MiTA Services Pte Ltd 👉 WIPO: IP, Business Entity & Entrepreneurship

Singapore Startup, MiTA Services Pte Ltd, UEN 2009–216–74D; A Business Case Study with Real Data, and Practical Experience in “Startup in Singapore” and Doing Business in Singapore for over more than a decade.


WIPO: IP, Business Entity & Entrepreneurship

WIPO: Is there available information [if any] online on WIPO/WTO websites about “How to officially lodge complaints against a country to WIPO/WTO and in any other Global Forums?

  • The generic and specific information for the understanding of the WIPO/WTO system “unbiased way correctly” without referring to any private lawyers.

These types of information are necessary to self-educate entrepreneurs and support entrepreneurs to protect their Business Entity and IP in a foreign country; particularly any “hostile foreign country, 1-example: Singapore” when it comes to Corporate Governance in Practice w.r.t. small entrepreneurs.

Singapore & Silent Denial

What are the Remedy & Compensation for the Victims of the “Politically Connected Singaporean Fraud Syndicates”? — Practically None in Singapore.

  • In January 2020 I (Dr. Madhab Paul) visited Singapore, and submitted official complaints with “Proofs” to Singapore Government Regulators and Ministries about Singapore’s “systematic” regulatory malpractices which “remain with the Singapore Government” to get resolved in spite of my many follow-ups.
  • [About three years ago] Last followup email complaints “WITH PROOF” sent to Singapore Prime Minister’s Office, Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), MOM, ACRA, other Singaporean Government Ministries and Regulators, were also copied to official email ids of the foreign diplomats worldwide, including USA, India, EU…

“ Indians, Startup in Singapore 👉 NO More Bets!! — A Business Case Study with Real Data

My company “MiTA Services Pte Ltd, Singapore Startup, UEN: 2009–216–74D” is not in active business for the last few years” — Dr. Madhab Paul, PhD

UEN: 2009–216–74D
One-Easy-Way to lose a Business Entity & IP is to “start doing business by registering a company in Singapore” being a Non-Singaporean, one-example: Indian citizen.

Singapore’s FAKE Reputation of Good Corporate Governance

Why Microsoft-LinkedIn help Singapore managing FAKE Reputation of Good Corporate Governance?

$$$ Profiteering, “kinda legit” Tax Evasion & Laundry Hub Singapore 👉 How much is Microsoft’s “extra-profit” simply by having “A$EAN Regional HQ” in Singapore?

It’s all about: “so called” TAX Management & Profiteering — i.e., legally defrauding via A$EAN Regional HQ in Singapore, and Singapore Government’s Corporate BAD Governance in Practice!!

How can you minimize round-tripping money?

One-Easy-Way: Change the “laws governing re-export” of goods, services and FDI; and add a clause debarring Leasing the License, aka. FTA, CECA etc.

“I wrote a few articles on the “Singapore’s Corporate Governance in Practice” via Substack; most articles were well-read “eye opening” articles for many thousand readers — politicians, policymakers, diplomats, academics and business persons worldwide!!” — Dr. Madhab Paul, PhD

2 Easy Questions:

  1. Singaporeans can easily register new companies on their own name(s), why will “some politically connected Singaporeans” hijack non-Singaporean owned-operated companies registered in Singapore for doing their own businesses?
  2. Why do Politically “CONNECTED Singaporean Fraud Syndicates” hijack and illegally control “non-Singaporean (foreigners) owned & operated companies registered in Singapore” even when the foreigner’s companies incurs ‘100s of Thousand US$ or a few million US$’ Losses in the course of doing R&D and business expansion??
  • Why? Can you think over and find possible answers to the above 2 Easy Questions?

From 2020 to 2023, the officially known Money Laundering in Singapore has increased from a few Million-US$ to a few Billion-US$ under “invisible external pressures” on Singapore; and now an easy question:

Can Singapore’s Money Laundering amount “officially” soon exceed a few Trillion-US$ under the “Visible External Pressures” on Singapore?

Singapore’s BAD Money Businesses have also been camouflaged as kinda legit businesses; and in the process of Singapore’s Corporate BAD Governance in Practice, many many foreign Entrepreneurs’ Companies Registered in Singapore systematically get hijacked [by Highly CONNECTED Singaporean Fraud Syndicates] for doing illegal businesses via Singapore in connivance with Singapore Government Regulators & Ministries.

A “Case Study” Based on Real Data: [Singapore UEN: 2009–216–74D, just an example; there are many many such examples in Singapore] about which I have been writing since 2020.

My LinkedIn account has been closed illegally without any due diligence by Microsoft-LinkedIn [while frauds are misusing my reputation and business-name on LinkedIn] which compounded my losses in profession and business.

Invest in India, and Make in India

India-Myanmar Investment & Trade Promotion:

Coinciding with the launch of the “Make In India” program on 25 September 2014, “MiTA Myanmar Investment, Trade and Technology Conference” at UMFCCI in Yangon were organized by Dr. Madhab Paul & MiTA:

Startup in Singapore
25 September 2014: MiTA Myanmar Investment, Trade & Technology Conference — Group-Photo of the Opening Ceremony

MiTA & Dr. Madhab Paul

God Willing, we will reopen for business in the coming months by renaming our “legal corporate entity”, expanding business and relocating corporate HQ of MiTA, দুগ্গা দুগ্গা

  • Information: for the last few years my company MiTA Services Pte Ltd (Singapore UEN: 2009–216–74D) is not in active business; and in January 2020 I (Dr. Madhab Paul) visited Singapore, and submitted official complaints with “Proofs” to Singapore Government Regulators and Ministries about Singapore’s “systematic” regulatory malpractices which “remain with the Singapore Government” to get resolved in spite of my many follow-ups.
  • [About three years ago] Last followup email complaints “WITH PROOF” sent to Singapore Prime Minister’s Office, Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), MOM, ACRA, other Singaporean Government Ministries and Regulators, were also copied to official email ids of the foreign diplomats worldwide, including USA, India, EU…
  • Yes, I (Dr. Madhab Paul) did report the matter to several Government of India’s Top Officials, Diplomats & Ministers on several occasions. And many of them often read the newsletters I have been writing for more than a year.
  • ☸️ Exception & Only Exception: I, Dr. Madhab Paul, highly appreciate the kind acknowledgement emails received from the office of the Chief Minister of UP, India; ध‍न्‍यवाद, महामहिम मुख्यमंत्री जी, उ०प्र०, भारत
  • I wrote a few articles on the “Singapore’s Corporate Governance in Practice” via Substack; most articles were well-read “eye opening” articles for many thousand readers — politicians, policymakers, diplomats, academics and business persons worldwide!!


25 September 2014: “MiTA Myanmar Investment, Trade & Technology Conference” — the event was organized coinciding with the launch of the Make-in-India program.

MiTA Services Pte Ltd
Press Release by Dr. Madhab Paul: https://www.einpresswire.com/article/213206480/myanmar-investment-conference-2014-will-be-held-during-25-27-september-umfcci-yangon

Golden Myanmar 👉 neither gilded nor tiny monotonous

Myanmar businesses need to ensure a more stable and lowest-priced supply chain to fulfill the demands for good quality products and services of over 54 million people in Myanmar.

India: Large Country with Mega Market

India is (i) multi-lingual, (ii) multi-religious, (iii) diverse and (iv) federal democratic India with over (v) 1.4 billion people who are (vi) primarily young and (vii) constitute over 1/6th of global population.

Naturally, many countries (including USA, UK & EU) are rushing to India to have Trade & Investment Agreements with India.

“All BIMSTEC Countries and India’s friendly neighbors should have a CECA with India which will have better T&Cs than that of Singapore-India CECA,” — Dr. Madhab Paul, PhD


The “Singapore — India CECA” is a classic example of the malpractice: Leasing the License (aka. CECA) for Profiteering

One Easy Example: India did not sign any CECA (like the one India has signed with Singapore) with India’s immediate neighbors with whom India shares borders, including Thailand and Indonesia. So, for Trade & Investment with India, the investors and business persons from India’s neighborhood and beyond will have two major options:

(i) Do direct investment and business with India with unfavorable T&Cs compared with the T&Cs which Singapore has with India; or

(ii) Do via Singapore:

Pay a commission to Singapore and (kinda) lease the benefit of Singapore’s CECA with India, and do investment and business with India via Singapore.

Myanmar-India CECA:

Why Myanmar may lead? → Myanmar’s Direct Incentive is “Better Control on Foreign Exchange Reserve

Global Strategic Business & Advantage Myanmar: Pristine Opportunities!

Singapore Company Registration
Golden Myanmar. Golden not gilded. Neither gilded nor tiny monotonous.

MiTA .. মিতা .. မိတ္တ .. मिता, excellence since 2009

Madhab Paul
“We plan to reorganize, expand and relocate Business HQ before reopening for business in the coming months, দুগ্গা দুগ্গা,” Dr. Madhab Paul, PhD

We plan to reorganize, expand and relocate Business HQ before reopening for business in the coming months, দুগ্গা দুগ্গা

MiTA .. মিতা .. မိတ္တ .. मिता, excellence since 2009. Innovation is the center pillar of MiTA: management, innovation and technology applications.

Dr. Madhab Paul
MiTA .. মিতা .. မိတ္တ .. मिता, excellence since 2009. We plan to reorganize, expand and relocate Business HQ before reopening for business in the coming months, দুগ্গা দুগ্গা

Startup in Singapore 👉 NO More Bets!!

Indians “Startup in Singapore” 👉 NO More Bets!! “MiTA Services Pte Ltd, Singapore Startup, Singapore Company Registration, UEN: 2009–216–74D” — A Business Case Study with Real Data, and Practical Experience in “Startup in Singapore” and Doing Business in Singapore for over more than a decade.

Singapore’s Corporate Governance in Practice

I wrote a few articles on the “Singapore’s Corporate Governance in Practice” via Substack; most articles were well-read “eye opening” articles for many thousand readers — politicians, policymakers, diplomats, academics and business persons worldwide!!

MiTA Services Pte Ltd, Singapore Startup, UEN: 2009–216–74D” — A Business Case Study with Real Data, and Practical Experience in “Startup in Singapore” and Doing Business in Singapore for over more than a decade.



Dr. Madhab Paul, PhD
Singapore Startup Company, UEN 2009–216–74D

Dr. Madhab is the Founder, Director & MD of MiTA; he is an Entrepreneur, Strategic Business Consultant, Author & Keynote Speaker; https://madhabpaul.com