Daphne Marsters
Single Parents
Published in
3 min readApr 29, 2016


7 Tips for Single Mothers Celebrating Mother’s Day

Photo courtesy of Harriet Tuara — shinephotographyrarotonga.com

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, single mother’s can find it a little challenging to know what to do to make their Mother’s Day memorable and happy.

It is important for you as a single mother to include yourself in the Mother’s Day celebration with all mothers. It is the special day all mother’s are honoured and are made to feel special. All mothers deserve to be pampered, appreciated and spoiled and that includes you.

Single Mother’s whose children are too young to do something special. Celebrate with your children and begin new memories. Memories that will last a lifetime for you and your children.

Here are 7 Tips to Celebrate Mother’s Day

1. Prepare Your Special Sunday breakfast. This should include all your favourite foods. Even though your children may not like your food, make it for yourself anyway. Let your children know what your favourite foods are and that you will appreciate them remembering on Mother’s Day this is what you would like your Mother’s Day breakfast to look like.

2. Tell Your Birth Story to your children. Mother’s don’t often tell their children their birth story. Mother’s day is all about your children celebrating and honouring you for all the things you have done for them. Their birth is the one and only thing no one else can ever replicate for them. One’s birth story helps mother’s remember their own brave story and reminds children of their beginnings and how far they have come over the years.

3. Receive Flowers From Your Children. Later in the day go for a walk with your children and pick some flowers that you and your children give to each other. This will set the precedence for them to give you flowers when they are old enough. Share with your children the joy in giving and the beauty in nature.

4. Take A Photo to remember the things you have done on every Mother’s Day. A physical record of the past Mother’s Days shared with you and your children to share in the future and reminisce of happy Mother’s Days.

5. Mother’s Love A Treat. Most mother’s are given chocolates on Mother’s Day. You should buy yourself a sweet treat and enjoy it with your young children or make and decorate a cake. There are some treats that you can just enjoy all to yourself. Champagne with breakfast. Buy yourself a gift. Treat yourself to getting your nails and hair done. Buy yourself a new outfit. It is ok to feel special and share your joy with your children. Let them know the treat you have done for yourself, is what you would like on Mother’s Day.

6. Sing and Play Your Favourite Music for your children to always remember you by. It is so much easier to sing and play songs to your children when they are younger. Obviously they may not appreciate it as much when they get older. However your favourite songs and music on Mother’s Day will always be memories of their Mother’s Days to come.

7. Write And Make A Card To You until your children are old enough to make you a Mother’s Day card. Write on your Mother’s Day card what you would like your children to say to you. Always remember to sign off with the words… ”I Love You.”

Single Mother’s who celebrate Mother’s Day leave lasting happy memories for themselves and their children.

In celebrating Mother’s Day you are showing your children to treat you with respect and that you are worthy of their honour.


Daphne Marsters

The Single Parenting Expert and Author @ www.parenting101thebook.com



Daphne Marsters
Single Parents

WELCOME all my blogs are written to raise a conscious awareness to single parents & their children to live their Dreams. ❤️