Daphne Marsters
Single Parents
Published in
6 min readApr 5, 2016


SINGLE PARENTS SUCCESS MODEL: 5 Ways To Be A Successful Single Parent


5 Ways To Be A Successful Single Parent

Become an effective and efficient single parent by following this model.

Is single parenthood supposed to be hard, with nothing but struggles and just guessing your way through life with your children on your own? No it’s not.

You have so much to give as a single parent and you may not even be aware of it.

So you look for that article, that advice, that something to help you as a single parent because you know it’s out there.

Just to be bombarded with another parenting advice through a blog, an article, a newsfeed, reminding you that it’s hard to be on your own because you are a single parent.

The headlines are filled with them, you name it, any single parenting issue including housing difficulties, struggles with money, hardship with finding work, raising children on your own.

Then you see that article that has the words “How to be a successful single parent”. Just to find more advice on, proper budgeting, asking friends and family for more help, discipline and boundaries, maintaining a daily routine, staying positive and of course finding some time for yourself.

Then you wonder if you apply all you read will that make you a successful single parent?

Today I think I have read my last single parenting article, blog, Google news and I’ve finally come to a point where I can no longer contain this secret.

For over 17 years I travelled on this path as a single parent doing exactly what I’m about to show you, not even realizing that it was the Single Parents Success Model, until I was challenged to share all I know about single parenting.

It’s an absolute pleasure for me to share this Single Parent Success Model with you, a month after publishing the Parenting 101 book for you. Now that you know you are a single parent and you know you deserve to be successful at parenting alone. This will be easy for you to grasp.

Pick any successful person in life a singer/songwriter, musician, movie star, athlete, world leader, or scientist. Those who are known as the number one of all time in what they have done for the world to recognize them as successful. Each and every one of them had left a clue for us as single parents to be successful too.

The same success pattern has been applied here, in the very first Single Parents Success Model.


1. GOALS -> Live Your Dreams

Every successful person had goals in their life. They had a clear end result and along the way had to work through the steps into getting there. There was no luck, no guessing, they took action towards achieving their Dreams.

Successful single parents like you have goals too and you strive to be successful at single parenting. Your goals are to achieve and improve on the things that make you happy whilst showing your children a happier way of living, no matter what life challenges you experience. Some of these goals may include buying a house, education for yourself and your children, travelling, creating a business and many more. Whilst taking actions towards achieving your goals you learn so many useful skills like discipline, patience, kindness, effective communication, being efficient with your time and prioritizing. All these skills and many more are your answers to how to be a good single parent.

Your Dreams add value to your life and your children’s. There is no point in doing something if it is not going to be beneficial for you and your children. In this way you are being efficient in your time and the resources you have available to you. Right there is your answer for, ‘resolving problems faced by single parents.’

2. People -> Supportive Single Parents

Successful people surrounded themselves and learned from others that were supportive of them, who believed in their goals, who were like-minded and who had already done, what they want to do.

So who are the supportive single parents in your life?

Those who are able to validate for you what are normal single parenting experiences. Those who are positive and say to you “Yes you can”, in all you want to do to make your families journey a happier one.

Successful single parents learn from successful single parents, they appreciate each other, they are effective in their parenting of their children and they will share valuable tips to help you along the way.

Looking for ‘support for single parents’, let’s just say other single parents want your journey to be smoother than what they went through. Who knows you may just have a friend for life, like many I have met and kept along the way.

3. TOOLS -> Use the Internet

Successful people learned what they needed to from somewhere or someone. Through books, classes, practicing, courses, they had their tools of their trade to be the best.

All successful single parents in the 21st century are efficient with their time and use the Internet. Gathering information to achieve your goals is at the tips of your fingers through your smartphone, tablet, laptop and computer. Type in any question to get the information you need to achieve your goals faster and be on your way to success. Here is your million questions answered when you are looking for that article on, ‘what help can a single parent get.’

4. ATTITUDE -> Be Confident & Assertive

Successful people have their own attitude and mindset that they require to be successful in what they want to achieve including developing an unstoppable confidence and assertiveness. They speak words of “yes I can” as they know exactly what they want and they let others know what they are doing.

For instance: An athlete competing in a 100-meter sprint, only aims to be the best. They are confident and run with unshakable ground of assertiveness.

The same goes for you being a successful single parent. You know there is no other parent here for your children, you are the only one running in your lane.

Your children are relying on you to be confident and assertive in your parenting, to show them by your example how to run their race to success too. There is your tip for, ‘positive single parenting skills.’

5. LOVE -> Greater Than Oneself

All the greats in the world throughout their journey to success, had life changing moments. Times where they knew that on their own, what they achieved would have been impossible. They are thankful for all their experiences, the challenges all contributed to their greatness. For many their successes came more than once in their pursuit for their Dreams, their purpose, what they are really here for. Successful people share that there was a Greater than themselves, that helped them to success.

When you have been a single parent for 17 years or more and have achieved all the Dreams you have set out for yourself. Then you look back and there are many moments you think there is no way I could have achieved all my Dreams on my own. You soon come to realize that there is Greater than yourself that helped you along the way. That money that came at just the right moment wasn’t luck. Going from homeless to having everything you needed in 7 days wasn’t a wish. That extra patience with the children when you are tired after working long hours, was a breeze. Those three years of hardship and you made it through smiling and having moments of fun. A love that is greater than yourself and is always available to comfort and provide for you and your children if you allow.

There is the missing clue that is no longer a secret. The answer that so many have searched for, ‘the guide for single parent homes’ is now available for you here in the Single Parents Success Model.

To help you get on track and be successful as a single parent and achieve all the Dreams you know you deserve. Grab yourself a copy of Parenting 101 The Single Parents Musical Guide to Live Your Dreams and its companion Journal Your Journey 1. These books will be the best investment to success you will ever have.

Live Your Dreams

x Daphne Marsters

The Single Parenting Expert

Click on the YouTube Link to view the Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zKmMITFLEo&index=15&list=PL40SeTDA6C6gCt9CzS2gkdbv8Q2O00T8a




Daphne Marsters
Single Parents

WELCOME all my blogs are written to raise a conscious awareness to single parents & their children to live their Dreams. ❤️