Blogs and vlogs- marketing tactics for business

SinglePost Blog
Published in
3 min readJul 25, 2018

Brands have a number of ways to get in touch with its customers. You might have heard me usually talking about social media marketing and how you should be posting on social media frequently.

Well, what should you be posting?

Images, videos, text contents, all are good. What’s else? Let’s take a look at how effective is blogs and vlogs for marketing your business.


An active blog with quality content is the first step in building your business or creating brand awareness, or whatever your intention is. You can set up your blog easily with the Medium, or with the tools like WordPress, Ghost etc. Focus on your targeted followers and keep writing, you’ll get better at it.

The interesting fact about blogging is that anyone can create and write a blog. But the topics and the content determines its reach. Take your time and create an engaging story. Be consistent in writing and eventually you’ll grow fans that’ll come back to read your blog.

Even though a vlog is more popular and entertaining, a well-written blog can get you a higher search result. It is also more informative. Add relevant keywords so that your target customers could find you easily.


People would like to see things rather than hear about it. Here comes the importance of video blogs or vlogs, in marketing your business. Explaining the ideas using videos will attract people more than explaining with words could. And moreover, people are busy and lazy to read all your written blog posts. A one minute video is more easygoing than a full page of text content.

Start producing your video blog now. It might seem difficult when you hear it first but it’s nothing different to writing your blog. Might be a bit easier actually! You can record the video in your camera or mobile phone and do some simple edits if needed. Or you can also create fully designed and edited videos or animations etc.

Videos are more convincing than everything else. Engaging visuals gets you more exposure. Instead of repeating that your product is much effective, show how effective it is with a video. And instead of listing the features, consider creating a short video explaining the features. Even the ones who are not interested in your brand and product also might pause on seeing a compelling video while scrolling. Everybody is creating videos now. Don’t be late to start.

Note: —

Both the blogs and vlogs can help you in different ways. Have you tried it yet? If not, give it a go.

