How to Use SingularX: A Video Explainer

Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2017

Get all the tips and guidelines on how to get the most out of SingularDTV’s very own decentralized exchange with these official explainer vids…

As the decentralized exchange of SingularDTV’s entertainment ecosystem, where creators and fans alike can trade tokens built on Tokit and others on the ERC-20 standard, SingularX is not just a groundbreaking step for the EnTech industry, but provides an incredible opportunity for artists to earn value for their work, while creating the liquidity needed to allow a fully-fledged decentralized entertainment economy to flourish.

Trading securely and peer-to-peer with another individual is the ideal way to trade in a tokenized ecosystem, and SingularX makes that happen with incredible ease. But for many of the intrepid creators flocking to the SingularDTV platform — even for many experienced traders on legacy exchanges like Coinbase and Gemini — the notion of trading on a decentralized exchange requires some tips and refreshers to operate with confidence.

Centrality, the Auckland-based team that developed the SingularX exchange in collaboration with SingularX, has created a number of easy and informative videos to help you get started on the platform. These videos will explain how to use the platform with popular Web3 portal browser extensions like Metamask and Parity, and will even walk you through, step-by-step, how to deposit, withdraw, trade, and hold your tokens….

Getting Started with Metamask

Getting Started with Parity

How to Deposit Tokens into SingularX

How to Trade on SingularX

How to Withdraw Tokens from SingularX

How to Disable Metamask

Fee Schedule for Withdrawals and Deposits

For more information and detailed explainer videos, head over to, and feel free to reach out on Twitter for any help, and we’ll be there to offer support. Happy trading!

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SingularDTV is laying the foundation for a decentralized entertainment industry.