SingularDTV Featured in the LA Times: “A Craze is Sweeping the Planet”

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4 min readFeb 14, 2018

Decentralization has officially hit Hollywood, and projects like SingularDTV’s ‘New Frontiers’ are leading the way for the whole entertainment industry.

Features on SingularDTV in definitive publications like BBC News and Billboard have become something of a common occurrence since the launch of token creation and management dApp Tokit in November. Now, with SingularDTV pushing forth in producing the films that will populate the ecosystem in the months and years to come, interest in the decentralized entertainment economy has hit as close to home as it gets in Hollywood: The Los Angeles Times.

“Nearly ten years after bitcoin was invented, a cryptocurrency craze is sweeping the planet with the ferocity of a Trump tweet,” begins Times journalist Jeffrey Fleishman in a wide-reaching treatise on the state of blockchain and film in this weekend’s edition of the paper. “[Blockchain is] inspiring songs, creating millionaires, unnerving banks and giving writers and filmmakers potent narratives of Gold Rush fever and dark web intrigue.”

Central to the Times’ interest in SingularDTV is New Frontiers, a science-fiction film anthology produced in collaboration with XYZ Films, Ground Control, and SingularDTV. Helmed by director Ruairi Robinson (Last Days on Mars), the series will bring together the work of four talented, upstart independent film directors and screenwriter Philip Gelatt in creating a bleak and often harrowing vision of humanity’s foray into the great void in the not too distant future. The entire project will be funded and distributed with blockchain technology on the SingularDTV platform.

Highlights from SingularDTV’s panel at the Zurich Film Festival

“Decentralization may change how many films are made, financed and distributed in an era of streaming and studio consolidation,” states the Times, who also spoke to New Frontiers producer Scott Glassgold: ”It allows us to put creativity above all else,” he told the Times. “We can go straight to the audience, and that’s the spirit of cryptocurrency. It’s a fast-changing landscape from a producer’s point of view. The traditional marketplace [studios and distribution companies] is not what it was five years ago. It’s not even what it was one month ago.”

So now that mainstream audiences are becoming more familiar with blockchain, decentralization, and SingularDTV, what’s the next step? “When people talk about Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu, they’re going to be mentioning SingularDTV in the same sentence,” says CEO Zach LeBeau. “That’s where we’re headed.” The subscription-based model of streaming platforms represents a major step away from the hardline centralization of the traditional film industry, but is only a nudge that precedes the leap in the reorganization of the entertainment industry made possible by blockchain tech and new perspectives.

Case in point: “Netflix’s attempt at global scaling has run into major problems, because they maintain a mentality of cultural standardization,” says SingularDTV CEO Zach LeBeau. “Netflix went to Japan and tried to force English-speaking, Hollywood content onto the Japanese people. It was a major strategic failure. The SingularDTV model is completely different: We help Japanese artists make Japanese content for a Japanese audience. We provide the infrastructure, and that’s the strategy of the future that will spread SingularDTV all over the world.”

“The very infrastructural elements inhibiting the development of the entertainment industry aren’t just strategic; there are also legal and technological issues that blockchain tech can remedy. LeBeau explains, “What separates SingularDTV from the current crop of legacy portals is that we’re launching a universal, region-less, international distribution portal. We’re not beholden to the same outdated rules that are holding the industry back. And we can do that because of the the rights management infrastructure that we’ve created with Tokit.”

dApps like Tokit are essential to SingularDTV’s mission of a decentralized entertainment economy.

No longer beholden to limitations like DRM, and with fundraising opening up to talented creators from all over the world to experiment and express their work directly to their peers with no studio or agency or intermediaries in between, SingularDTV and decentralized entertainment offer opportunity when before there were only obstacles. Now that the leading voices of the media world are starting to understand the power at their fingertips, the decentralized revolution is entering its second act.

With multiple provocative film, television, and music projects awaiting announcement by SingularDTV in the weeks to come, head over to or to learn more about the decentralized entertainment economy!

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SingularDTV is laying the foundation for a decentralized entertainment industry.