Reports from Under The Hood

Published in
5 min readApr 12, 2018

Our recent newsletters have focused on major events we have been attending, like the Berlin film festival and the SXSW interactive/film/music extravaganza in Austin TX. We featured in-depth coverage of various entertainment industries such as music and publishing, plus hot tips from our intrepid reporters on the European start-up and crypto scene.

But you haven’t heard anything for a while about what we do. Apologies for the radio silence on that front, which we can assure you was caused by our hard work to keep the SingularDTV engine purring along smoothly under the hood.

Starting this week, we are going to include product and activity updates twice a month in this newsletter. If you have any friends that might like to know what we’re up to, please ask them to sign up!

Announcing Bi-Monthly YouTube AMAs

We had a blast doing our first YouTube AMA at SXSW. Some of you thought 15 minutes was not enough. We agree! We’ll be doing bi-monthly YouTube AMA’s featuring a wide range of our rockstar staff.

New VP of Entertainment Finance and Development Dan Hyman

First up is our brand new VP of Entertainment Finance and Development Dan Hyman, who will be answering your questions on entertainment from the Tribeca Film Festival on Thursday, April 19 at 2PM EST.

Send us your questions ahead of time or check in with us on YouTube. Mark your calendars for April 17, 2018 and follow us on social for more details!

Dan will also be speaking on Tribeca Film Festival’s only blockchain panel on Monday April 23, where he’ll discuss whether blockchain can breed blockbusters. Tix are already sold-out, but you will find more info on the official Tribeca site.

Walk it Like We Tokit

Artist alert for Europe, Latin America, and Asia! Tokit is being translated into French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Japanese and Mandarin so more musicians, filmmakers and other artists around the world can help themselves get on the blockchain and create a direct line with their global audiences.

Behind the scenes of TRUST MACHINE and DETAINED

Alex Winter’s highly anticipated TRUST MACHINE: THE STORY OF BLOCKCHAIN is in post-production! One of the four promises to our SNGLS token-holders is shaping up very nicely.

Films can take years to make, edit and get red-carpet ready, but TRUST MACHINE is on track for its world premiere in the fall festival season. Get a sneak peek into behind-the-scenes shots on the TRUST MACHINE Facebook page.

Blockchain visionary Vinay Gupta interviewing for TRUST MACHINE

Khushnuda Shukurova’s DETAINED is one of Tokit’s biggest success stories, having raised 167 ETH for her first short film. An upcoming young female filmmaker from Tajikistan who came to New York to become a filmmaker, Khushnuda tells the story of two siblings who flee a brutal war, only to run into a wall as they arrive in a safe country where their father awaits.

Check out these photos from the set of the DETAINED crew and Khushnuda hard at work directing the film, which has now entered post-production:

From left to right: Ilana Rossein (producer), Rox David (AD), Valentina Caniglia (Cinematographer) and Khushnuda Shukurova.
Director Khushnuda Shukurova in action

Non-profits Dancing their Way onto the Blockchain

SingularDTV is one of non-profit Dancing Classrooms’ proud supporters, using blockchain to nurture our future generations by bringing ballroom dancing into New York schools. Their Mad Hot Ball 2018 took place yesterday, featuring the young ladies and gentlemen of Dancing Classrooms’ Youth Dance Company and P.S. 291!

SingularDTV Events

President of Entertainment and Co-Founder Kim Jackson spoke at the Women’s Media Summit’s Film Financing Forum on April 7 and 8 in Provincetown, MA. Watch her panel on film financing the Women’s Media Summit Facebook.

Also on April 23, Our Director of Business Development, G. Thomas Esmay is speaking at Boston Blockchain Week on Decentralized Newsrooms, Music Ecosystems and Cyberpunk Storytelling: How Blockchain is Disrupting Media Models. RSVP here!

There’s also lots happening in Asia, starting with events in Hong Kong and Beijing. On April 25, SingularDTV brings together Beijing filmmakers, musicians, other content creators and entertainment companies to introduce them to the possibilities of blockchain rights management as a tokenized economy model.

The meet-up at the Poly Cinema features former musician Wu Bin, an early SNGLS supporter, who will talk about his experience in the music industry and how tokenization could provide a new way to move forward. Case studies will include Wei Shujun’s feature-length film STRIDING INTO THE WIND, successfully tokenized with SingularDTV, and the documentary DARK RAINBOW. If you’re in Beijing, here’s the invite!

On May 2, SingularDTV will host entertainment insiders like DJ, musician and filmmaker Domting, and the COO of Hong Kong based digital currency exchange ChaoEx, Jason Wang, to talk to blockchain enthusiast about the rise of EnTech exchange ideas. If you’re in or around Hong Kong, RSVP here.

Stay tuned for more updates from SingularDTV!

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SingularDTV is laying the foundation for a decentralized entertainment industry.