The Official Guide to SingularDTV Launch Projects

Published in
6 min readNov 15, 2017

After over a year of development by many of the brightest minds in tech, finance, and entertainment, November marked the release of Tokit, the first module of SingularDTV’s decentralized entertainment ecosystem.

Tokit allows content creators to build their own tokenized ecosystems around their intellectual property and creative works, creating a whole new way for creators and fans to share in the journey, create value, and benefit together.

Tokit is a sleek, intuitive, and multifaceted dApp for artists, fans, token creators, and contributors alike that addresses token creation and management. Check out this FAQ for all the details and background, and check out the dApp here.

To showcase Tokit’s functionality and the breadth of what’s made possible by tokenomics, SingularDTV has handpicked a debut series of film and music projects from all over the world across a number of different models, from rising chinese filmmakers to electronic music icons, the Puerto Rican independent music scene, and even non-profit organizations.

To give you a complete overview of all the projects initiated in what was a truly epic launch week, here’s an overview of everything SingularDTV has released so far this month…


Key to tokenomics is the ability to collect and exchange project tokens with liquidity and ease. SingularX is a totally decentralized exchange platform that connects every ERC-20 token created on SingularDTV with SNGLS, ETH, and the entire Ethereum token-sphere. The second module released in this initial SingularDTV launch, SingularX is the essential meetingplace of all the tokenized ecosystems in the SingularDTV spectrum, and is what makes all of this possible…

Check out SingularX.

The GRMTK Token

The main event. At his show in Zurich, Switzerland on November 9th, iconoclastic DJ and producer Gramatik initiated the tokenization of his creative output, signalling a new paradigm of fan engagement and tokenomics. Using the Artist Tokenization model, the GRMTK Token is allowing Gramatik’s fans to share in his intellectual property and earn from royalties alongside the electronic music icon.

In just 24 hours, Gramatik raised $2.4 million dollars, creating a $9 million dollar tokenized ecosystem and revolutionizing the way music can be funded in the process. Even though the sale has successfully concluded, you can check out Gramatik’s Tokit page here.

The KHUSH Token / Detained

November 9 also saw the launch of Khushnuda Shukurova’s Detained project. A short film about two Syrian brothers who arrive in the US as 2017’s contentious ‘Travel Ban’ takes effect, the KHUSH Token will offer the talented NYC-based filmmaker the funding to bring her provocative, evocative vision to the screen.

We are pleased to announce that the KHUSH Token has achieved its fundraising goal!

Rising Independent Chinese Filmmakers

With its own Entertainment Division producing and acquiring content and the Ethervision portal in development, film and television represent a central pillar of the SingularDTV roadmap. SingularDTV has chosen two remarkable young Chinese filmmakers to kick-off the worldwide search for talent, and both projects have gotten off to a tremendous start…

Puc Wei, a rising star from Beijing, will tokenize his short film Ye Ma Fen Zong — which translates to “Striding into the Wind” — with the YMFZ Token. A bildungsroman film, Wei’s story chronicles a journey undertaken by a wayward adolescent and his beloved car, and speaks to a filmmaking tradition that crosses borders and genres. Puc’s campaign is ongoing, and you can check it out here.

Yuting Zeng’s Dark Rainbow is a documentary television project that addresses homosexual love and relationships in China. The young filmmaker — based in Germany — is funding her important and necessary study via the RAIN Token, allowing her to approach subject matter that’s usually off-limits with the power of tokenized fundraising. You can still contribute to the RAIN Token launch, but it has very nearly achieved it’s goals!

The Tokenomics of Giving

Tokenomics doesn’t stop with entertainment. In particular, tokenization can offer a valuable fundraising infrastructure for non-profit organizations…

New York City’s Association for Community Employment is a cherished local organization that offers homeless individuals a path to a better live through employment opportunities. The launch of the ACE Token, which is currently active, represents an opportunity for people all over the world to participate and give in a substantive way.

Dancing Classrooms is a world-renowned non-profit education institution that teaches children important social lessons through dance classes. Already the subject of a documentary (Mad Hat Ballroom) and a major feature film (Take the Lead), Dancing Classrooms will be tokenized via the DANCE Token, which is currently active!

Puerto Rican Artists Rebuild with Music

An example of an artist consortium model, in which a group of creators collectivize to bring about greater opportunity and revenue for the whole, Liga De Artistas will see artists from all over Puerto Rico’s lively and resilient underground music culture come together to experiment with a whole new way of funding.

The LIGA Token has the chance to fuel the rebuilding of Puerto Rico and emboldening the creative voice of its talented residents. The LIGA launch is still ongoing, and you can check it out here.

The HAPPY Token

The currency of good, of fun, of high spirits, the just-released HAPPY Token is a way for SingularDTV to create some HAPPY value in the world. SingularDTV gave away 10,000,000 HAPPY Tokens to the community to put some good back in the world just to kickstart the HAPPY economy, and they are tradable on SingularX at a stable rate. Get HAPPY! Join in the fun at the SingularDTV Slack, and maybe you can get HAPPY too…

In Conclusion…

These launch projects are just the initiation of SingularDTV’s tokenized entertainment economy, and their early fundraising successes are proof that the world is watching and ready to participate in entertainment tokenomics. Take a look around Tokit and SingularX to get a feel for what a decentralized entertainment industry looks like, and keep your eyes and ears peeled for more announcements. Congratulations to all the talented musicians, artists, and philanthropists who have gotten involved so far, and to everyone who has used Tokit to create their own tokens.

SingularDTV offers a way to be your own economy, and this remarkable suite of launch projects is just the beginning…

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SingularDTV is laying the foundation for a decentralized entertainment industry.