Zach LeBeau on SingularDTV’s Roadmap, Scalability, and EtherVision

Published in
4 min readAug 16, 2018

The final episode of this season‘s SingularDTV podcast offers key updates on the development of the decentralized entertainment ecosystem.

In its 13 episodes, The SingularDTV Podcast’s inaugural season has run the gamut from deep dives on the infrastructure of the film business to behind-the-scenes looks at the development of SingularDTV as a platform. As the company grows to over 100 members spread all over the world, the podcast has also played an important role in connecting the SingularDTV community with the team, and acted as a conduit for ideas to be shared back and forth.

In the final episode of the first season of The SingularDTV Podcast, host Miguel Martinez sits down with SingularDTV CEO Zach LeBeau to answer questions from around the community, and to lay out key markers as the decentralized entertainment ecosystem continues to grow towards the launch of EtherVision. The hour-long discussion offers some key insights into from where SingularDTV came, is going, and what the the roadmap towards the future looks like.

Check out the podcast below, Episode 13: Closing the Loop:

Here are some of the highlights from the episode. We encourage you to check out the whole episode, which offers a holistic overview of the development of SingularDTV over the world:

On The EtherVision Roadmap:

“We have a Private Alpha for EtherVision coming up. We have hundreds of Alpha testers that will help us have a more effective Beta launch. During that Beta, we’ll start to show users what sorts of genres and formats and concepts and content we’re going to release on EtherVision. Of course, EtherVision is going to be permissionless. Anyone and everyone will be able to start a channel on the platform. It’s going to be a staged process, a phased process, because EtherVision is a hugely complex application, a peer-to-peer, decentralized, international, territory-less distribution platform.

We’re dealing with this new intersection of entertainment, finance, and technology. It requires experience and professionals from those different industries to make informed decisions on how to move things forward. We’ve got 35–40 people in EtherVision meetings. It takes a whole team of people from all different skill-sets and industries to formulate and understand exactly what we’re doing.”

On the long-term vision for SNGLS Tokens:

“It’s all about gravitating value and revenue into the SNGLS token, from all of our applications, from the entire platform. We’re an Entertainment Technology company, we need to experiment with tokenomic and cyptonomic models so that we can find the best ways to gravitate value into the SNGLS token. Ideally, we’re using a number of different models to gravitate value. This is the big experiment that we’re conducting. We really can’t get the data, the information we need, until EtherVision is in beta, launches, and scales higher into a wider audience in later versions.”

On the development of SingularDTV’s tokenomic model:

“The studying, planning, research and development of these tokenomic models is happening right now. We’re doing it internally on a testnet. What’s unique about us testing it: We’re not testing it in a vacuum. We’re using real world applications and behaviors. We’re using audience consumption and participation in entertainment as the use case. This is the entire point of the EtherVision Alpha and Beta; to take it form the theoretical, closed testnet testing now, and to start rolling it out into the wild.”

On SingularDTV’s involvement in Wyoming:

“Wyoming is interesting and exciting because there’s a lot of possibility there. There’s a huge difference between what the legislature drafts and the execution of it. Now we’re in the execution phase. Everyone’s starting to see what steps 1, 2, 3 in Wyoming means. We’ve sent a couple different teams out there to figure out how we can implement certain infrastructure in Wyoming, in the United States, that deals with part of SingularDTV’s strategy. We’re also sponsoring and conducting a hackathon in Wyoming in September along with ConsenSys and Microsoft.”

On Ethereum Scalability and Pl^g:

“Right now, the Ethereum protocol can do about 30 transactions per second. That’s not scalable for what we need the blockchain to do here in the near-to-mid term. It’s one of the reasons we’ve gone down the route of developing Pl^g. There’s one side of the spectrum that sees Ethereum as the one blockchain to rule them all. On the other side of the spectrum is that there won’t be just one blockchain, there will be thousands of blockchains webbed together to create a metachain…

Pl^g is a private consortium chain model that is basically our emergency generator. Right now we’ve got it on testnet doing 1,000 transactions per second. But it is a private architecture that utilizes certain centralized behaviors to speed things up. What’s most important for us is to get the features and functions, the benefits of blockchain technology, and Pl^g gives us that. If we need to use Pl^g so what we can wait for the Ethereum protocol to be scalable, then great. We just need to have all of our bases covered. We hope to have an Alpha of Pl^g for developers around the world — who can develop smart contracts using Python — some time in Q3/Q4.”

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SingularDTV is laying the foundation for a decentralized entertainment industry.