Singularity’s 2022 Year-in-Review

After a momentus year, we’re proud to present our 2022 Year-in-Review.

Wenbo Shi
1 min readJan 20, 2023


Below please find an excerpt from my letter to our community of investors, partners, and friends.

This is the inaugural issue of Singularity’s Year-in-Review, and we’re glad to be sharing it with all of the people who have helped us get to this point, and everyone who’s curious about why we’re building this organization together. I started Singularity in response to what I believed was a major issue for grid decarbonization, the lack of accurate and actionable data for carbon tracking and decision making . Since 2019, the industry has made great progress towards a clean energy future. However, there are still many big questions left unanswered, and much work that needs to be accomplished to really accelerate grid decarbonization. The good news is that Singularity, with all of the help and support from our network, is better positioned today than ever before to solve many of these challenges…

~ Wenbo Shi, Founder & CEO, Singularity Energy Inc.

View Singularity’s 2022 Year-in-Review here or continue in the embedded document below:

