Singularity Fund — Weekly report #16

Singularity Fund
Singularity Fund
Published in
4 min readSep 21, 2017

Weekly report from September 12 to September 19

Net Asset Value and Performance of the fund

NAV on September 19= $15.46

Performance from September 12 to September 19= -10.84%

Performance from May 31 to September 19= 151.56%

NAV evolution between May 31 and September 19

Since the beginning of September (see Singularity Fund weekly report #14), the negative news coming from China are impacting negatively the crypto markets. However, despite the crash provoked by this succession of adverse news, we can observe that the market is very resilient, with resistance levels far above the previous crash in July (which was due to the Bitcoin fork uncertainty, see the Singularity Fund report #6).

Fund Composition on September 19

Fund crypto-assets allocation on September 19

Since last week, we have invested a significant portion of ETH (Ethers) in several ICOs, this is why the ETH share has decreased from 19.4% to 7.1% of the fund. We will reallocate profits progressively to the ETH position, which is one of the pillars of fund allocation.

BTC 11.75%
ETH 7.10%
BCH 1.34%
WAVES 3.01%
IOT 5.79%
NEO 4.93%
FCT 1.88%
LINK 4.43%
Kyber 0.38%
Enjin 4.29%
CND 7.54%
Dmarket 2.63%
ZRX 9.27%
TNT 1.00%
OMG 19.95%
NMR 0.57%
SAN 1.80%
XRL 3.30%
BET 0.26%
NET 0.81%
CVC 4.45%
SNM 0.49%
BNT 0.52%
TKN 1.96%
BCAP 0.54%

New tokens and coins

CND (Cindicator)

Cindicator is a financial information platform conciliating human intelligence with machine learning algorithms and IA. The human predictions are collected through a very well done mobile app (available on iOS and Android), then analyzed and treated by algorithms to produce financial information. Description from their website:

Cindicator creates the social and technological infrastructure needed to make effective decisions under the conditions of the high uncertainty of the new economy.

By combining a large number of diverse financial analysts and a set of machine-learning models into a single system, we are developing a Hybrid Intelligence infrastructure for the efficient management of investors’ capital in traditional financial and crypto-markets.

The benefits ​​of the Hybrid Intelligence for an ecosystem and community are:

a technological and analytical infrastructure for the efficient and safe management of investors’ capital by investors themselves or licensed managers;

an ability for analysts to monetize their intellectual assets without risking their own funds;

tools and data for making investment decisions under conditions of market uncertainty;

up-to-date analytics of the industry, expectations, opportunities, and market growth points;

indexes and ratings of crypto-assets.

Their ICO was one of the best managed so far, with a very well thought investment process.

ENJ (Enjin)

Complementing our investment in DMarket, we are increasing our exposure to the gaming / virtual goods market we Enjin Coin. The Enjin Coin is a cryptocurrency and virtual goods platform for gaming, where gamers can easily trade virtual goods.

What is Enjin Coin?
An ERC-20 token supported by a powerful framework of open-source smart contracts and software development kits (SDKs)

Virtual goods on the blockchain
A decentralized platform to create, manage, distribute, and trade virtual goods. Giving game developers and content creators a new model of virtual ownership.

SDKs for the game industry
Enjin Coin platform is made for the game industry. SDKs for multiple languages, wallets and payment platforms will be available and completely open-source.

Gaming with true item ownership
Online gamers can bring or trade their assets from game to game, community to community, growing their digital wallet with real value as they play.

A solution to fraud and high fees
For every legitimate virtual item purchase, 7.5 items are lost to fraud. Enjin Coin minted virtual goods will guarantee trust and security with minimal transaction fees

LINK (Chainlink)

Chainlink is building a bridge between smart contracts and the rest of the world. We believe it has the potential to become one of the pillars of the decentralized crypto economy. Description from their website:

As developers begin to implement their chosen smart contract, they encounter the connectivity problem; their smart contract is unable to connect with key external resources like off-chain data and APIs. This lack of external connectivity is due to the method by which consensus is reached around a blockchain’s transaction data, and will therefore be a problem for every smart contract network.

ChainLink Connects Smart Contracts to Any/All External Systems & APIs.

ChainLink is secure blockchain middleware that allows smart contracts on various networks to connect with the critical resources they need to become useful for 90% of use cases. We’ve been creating secure oracles for Bitcoin and Ethereum for over 3 years, connecting smart contracts on various networks to critical external data feeds as triggers, and the many off-chain systems needed to become operational.

Our team is excited about making a world where smart contracts are securely connected to the off-chain data, APIs and widely accepted payments they need to work for 90% of real use cases.

Singularity Fund links

NAV (Net Asset Value):

