Announcing Airdrop For AGI Token Holders

Marcello Mari
SingularityDAO Ai-DeFi
5 min readApr 13, 2021




— — — The Airdrop Mechanic outlined below will not be executed — — —

You might have heard the buzz about an upcoming SingularityDAO (“SDAO”) token airdrop, which was mentioned during one of our recent SingularityNET Insider Monthly updates.

Today we would like to formally clarify how our loyal AGI token holding community can receive community dedicated airdropped SDAO tokens. We greatly appreciate all the support from our fervent community members who have maintained unwavering loyalty for SingularityNET throughout even the most difficult times of the recent crypto winter.

Utility of SingularityDAO Governance Tokens

SingularityDAO is a non-custodial, fully decentralized organization with all aspects of its operation determined democratically by the votes of its participants. SDAO tokens are governance tokens used in SingularityDAO operations, and voting is conducted through the upcoming SingularityDAO Governance Portal.

The SingularityDAO token airdrop will ensure that a wide variety of loyal AGI token holders are encouraged to participate in SingularityDAO governance.

Community Gift of SingularityDAO Token Airdrop

To show our most sincere appreciation to our loyal AGI token holding community, we will be rewarding our AGI token holders with an SDAO token airdrop.

The SDAO token airdrop for AGI token holders will be equal to five percent of the total supply of 100,000,000 SingularityDAO tokens, meaning that the airdrop for AGI token holders will have a dedicated amount of 5,000,000 SDAO tokens in total.

Eligible AGI token holders can collect a linear monthly airdrop for four months. Every month, we will be airdropping 25% (1,250,000 SDAO tokens) of the total airdrop allocation.


AGI token holders must make sure to have at least 1,000 AGI tokens in their non-exchange wallet at the time of the snapshot. The snapshot is taken approximately 24 hours before the registration period starts.

To qualify for the airdrop, your wallet must be separate from exchanges, and you must control the private key. Examples of such addresses would be an address generated by a Ledger wallet, Trust Wallet, MetaMask wallet, Exodus, MyEtherWallet, Mist wallet, etc. This is due to the fact that exchanges don’t provide details about individual holders and it would impossible for us to distinguish between privately owned wallets and exchange owned wallets. AGI tokens in liquidity pools on decentralized exchanges (i.e. Uniswap) will not be eligible.

AGI token holders who have staked their AGI via the SingularityNET Staking Portal will also be able to claim their airdropped SDAO tokens associated to the balance of their stake if it amounts to 1,000 AGI tokens or more, regardless of the AGI token balance of the depositing wallet, by connecting the wallet that made the staking deposit to the SingularityDAO Airdrop Portal.

Airdrop Vesting Schedule

The airdrop will be unlocked for distribution equally over a four-month linear schedule to all eligible AGI token holders. Each month, the allocated airdrop SDAO tokens will be equally distributed to all addresses that qualify for and claim the airdrop. For example;

· If 1,000 wallets claim the airdrop in the first month, each will receive 1250 SDAO tokens (1,250,000 / 1000).

· If only 500 wallets claim the airdrop in the second month, each will receive 2,500 SDAO tokens (1,250,000 / 500).

· If only 250 wallets claim in the third month, then each AGI token holder that claimed will receive 5,000 SDAO tokens (1,250,000 / 250).

This means that eligible AGI token holders will be able to collect a monthly airdrop amounting to 25% of the total airdrop allocation every month for four consecutive months. All eligible addresses will receive the same amount in the airdrop, regardless of whether the AGI token balance is 1000, 100,000, 1,000,00, etc.

How to Claim SDAO Airdrop

Airdropped tokens may only be claimed and retrieved through the SingularityDAO Airdrop Portal (the “SAP”) available on the main SingularityDAO website.

The SDAO Airdrop will have a 72-hour registration window in which eligible AGI token holders must register with their ERC20 address to the SAP. The SAP will verify their AGI token balance to allow them to claim each quarter of their total airdrop distribution.

Qualified airdrop token holders will need to pay the associated gas fee for the Ethereum network to transfer their SDAO ERC-20 tokens from the foundation’s wallet to their own wallet. [Note: Token holders’ must pay gas fees ONLY when claiming their tokens and NOT when registering.]

Following the 72-hour registration period, qualified holders will have 7 days to claim their tokens. [Note: Token holders can claim their tokens for 7 days AFTER the end of the registration period]

In the unlikely case that some tokens go unclaimed; they will be redistributed over the next installment and then eventually to the community. Therefore, tokens must be claimed within each claim period.

First Installment

The first of the four installments of the airdrop will be in the first week of May. The first snapshot will be taken on the 12th of May at 7 PM UTC. You will need to be part of this snapshot in order to qualify for the airdrop.

From 12:00 AM UTC on May 13, qualifying AGI token holders will be able to access the SingularityDAO Airdrop Portal for 72 hours until 11:59 PM UTC on May 16th.

Airdrop Schedule

The following is the expected schedule for SingularityDAO monthly airdrops. In case there will be any changes, these will be promptly communicated through SingularityDAO’s communication channels. Subscribe to make sure not to miss important announcements!

About SingularityDAO

SingularityDAO aims to make the life of crypto investors easy by bringing the sophistication of SingularityNET’s AI to the world of Decentralized Finance.

SingularityDAO users will be able to choose baskets of tokens called “DynaSets”; consisting of a bundle of utility tokens and provide liquidity to unlock AI-generated alpha on their liquidity.

These DynaSets are somewhat parallel to ETFs in traditional finance. Tokens that have limited liquidity on their own become easier to trade when aggregated into sets. On top of these token-sets, SingularityDAO enables yield-farming and futures-based hedging features.

SingularityDAO is designed to use AI at multiple levels: AI manages the dynamic token-sets, executes predictive market-making strategies to provide liquidity for these token-sets on DEXs, and predictively models hedging strategies.

To learn more, visit SingularityDAO.AI and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Telegram!

