DynaSet Contributions opening

Marcello Mari
SingularityDAO Ai-DeFi
2 min readDec 15, 2021

Greetings Singularitarians,

The Contribution phase is ready!

This is an update to let everyone know that the DynaSet Beta contribution phase is opening today, December 15th at 21:00 UTC. This phase will last until the 20th of December. As the pools were oversubscribed, which we are thrilled about — (thank you for your continued support!) — we had to make some further adjustments to contribution amounts mentioned yesterday in our whitelist blog. You can check the whitelist here, it mentions the last 4 characters of every included wallet.

Adjustment to DynaSet cap:

We have changed the total pool size to $1,000,000 per DynaSet, this was adjusted to keep the beta to be a relatively exclusive event for a restricted part of the community, KOLs and influencers. This also keeps it manageable enough to ensure that by February we have a robust and flawlessly functioning product for full release.

We have adjusted the contributions for AGIX and SDAO due to the relative gas costs for the smaller contributions. As these tokens were very much oversubscribed for the size of the beta, this will result in some people not being able to get in — this is just for the beta phase, the limits will rise with the full release of the DynaSets.

The adjusted contribution caps can be seen below:

There may be adjustments resulting in increased caps during this five-day phase, and changes will be clearly communicated if this happens. If you are running into contribution errors (eg seems not whitelisted) contact us here.

We hope this phase to be as smooth as possible, so please again don’t hesitate to get in touch over telegram and lets all enjoy the rollout of the first phase of our plan for AI meets DeFi!

Want to learn more about DynaSets? Read our blog here and the roll-out plan here.

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