DynaSet Roll-Out Contribution

Marcello Mari
SingularityDAO Ai-DeFi
2 min readDec 8, 2021

Greetings Singularitarians,

Learn more about what DynaSets here!

Recently we released our plans detailing the Roll-Out of DynaSets beginning with contributions on the 15th December and culminating in the launch of DynaSets on the 20th. These dates remain unchanged. Since announcing this, however, we have received huge interest from Investors, Influencers and of course, Community. This is amazing news and we can’t thank you all enough! It has however meant that we need to make some slight changes to the contribution process.

The original intention was to simply allow first come first serve access and then cap the DynaSets at a maximum total contribution. Based on feedback from all sides, it has become clear that this is not the ideal way to handle the onboarding process. Instead we are going to ask that people complete this form to apply for access to the Beta DynaSets. This is unlikely to affect your ability to enter, it will however allow us to manage contributions more efficiently and have a better understanding of things like participation numbers, contribution types as well as contribution amounts. This will also eliminate any kind of gas wars involved in first come first serve. There is one circumstance where eligibility may be affected and that would be if we have an unprecedented number of people applying to participate, in which case we may be forced to hold some type of lottery. We do not anticipate this being an issue however and believe this change will instead simply make the whole process easier for all involved.

Once again, here is the Application Form to join our DynaSet beta test.

In the form you will see the following Criteria:

You are allowed to join any of the three DynaSets but can only contribute one cryptocurrency to each.

Please note that we are limiting contributions of AGIX/SDAO/NTX so for a higher chance of entry please choose ETH or USDC

Name (optional)

Telegram Handle (optional)

ETH Address

Desired DynaSet

Contribution Currency (ETH/USDC/WBTC)
Contribution Amount (USD Equivalent)

Contribution Currency (ETH/USDC)
Contribution Amount (USD Equivalent)

Contribution Currency (NTX/SDAO/AGIX/USDC/ETH)
Contribution Amount (USD Equivalent)

Please be sure to complete this form by Monday 13th December so that we can whitelist you for entry by the 15th.

Don’t forget to join our social channels to stay up to date on this and everything else SingularityDAO related.

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