Epoch 1 Updates — Airdrop Closed

Marcello Mari
SingularityDAO Ai-DeFi
6 min readSep 1, 2021

Total Value Locked — $40,000,000+ USD
Total SDAO Value Locked — $30,000,000+ USD
Total SDAO Locked — 9,797,000+ SDAO
44.8% of Circulating Supply

Greetings Singularitarians

We are sure many of you woke up this week, reached to your bedside cabinet, picked up your mobile phone, went to take a look at SDAO and were greeted by a beautiful sight. It seemed to us that an update on the latest stats was overdue. Above you can see some absolutely amazing numbers, and at the end of this document you will also find a more thorough breakdown for those interested.

Epoch 1 Updates

Today is the 1st of September and we are 15 days into Epoch 1 which has now been closed for 10 days. Many of you were there with us when it opened, hoping to get some tokens into Bonded Staking. We were all astonished and extremely grateful for the community response to our staking portal, which was evidenced by Bonded Staking filling up in under 10 minutes.

Thank you so much to all who were there and trying to join, congratulations to those who made it in, and condolences to those who were not able to. We are aware that many of you did not make it in time, and we will certainly take into account the fact that people are still hoping to gain entry. This is just Epoch 1 — there are lots more to come with varied reward sizes and participation caps. Currently there is 3,250,000 SDAO staked and a reward of 250,000 SDAO tokens with an individual cap of 25,000 SDAO. Any or perhaps even all of these numbers are subject to change as we feel appropriate and the eagle eyes among you may have already noticed one thing that will almost certainly lead to a change in Epoch 2 and potentially more chances to enter.

3,250,000 SDAO staked? Yes, one aspect of the way our bonded staking smart contract works, is that when assigning maximum pool size, it must include the total reward to be added. Unfortunately due to an oversight in communication when the smart contract was configured, it was set to 3,500,000 as per the communications we shared with you (it should have been set to 3,750,000 to include the 250,000 reward). The team unknowingly signed off on this and all was fine. It was not until the pool was filled and closed, that we prepared to send the airdrop tokens and the end of Epoch rewards. We and many of the community noticed a slight increase in the reward. After a little research it was discovered that we had not accounted for the extra 250,000 tokens that were to be added from the reward pool. This has led to the cap being 3,250,000 instead of 3,500,000.

Now that we are aware of it, this requirement will of course be taken into account next Epoch and will likely lead to a larger pool. This will not affect those who choose to allow their stake to roll over, but potentially it could lead to some additional space for new entries.

Epoch 0 Cleanup

We would like to take this moment to remind those who joined the staking pools, provided liquidity or took part in yield farming during Epoch 0 (before August 18th), that there are still around 500,000 SDAO locked in Epoch 0. We have noted that many of you were having difficulty finding where to withdraw those tokens, so for the time being we have moved it to the first page in the ‘Stake Unbonded’ tab.

We do take into account community feedback regarding all things, resulting in this update to the UI. The whole SingularityDAO platform is of course a beta and will be iteratively upgraded. We are supremely lucky to have such an involved community and our telegram admins pass all your feedback through to the team. We hope that between us, we can create the most amazing DeFi experience the crypto space has ever seen.

Tokens will need to be manually moved from Epoch 0 to Epoch 1 if you wish to continue earning rewards. From Epoch 1 onwards we will handle this for you and cover all fees involved.

The end of an Airdrop

The Epoch 1 staking window is not the only thing that closed recently. We also came to the end of our Airdrop. Over the last 4 months SingularityDAO ran an airdrop to give 5,000,000 SDAO — 5% of the total supply of our platform governance tokens to the AGIX token holder community.

The airdrop definitely had its ups and downs, but on the 23rd of August it closed with the vast majority of the community successfully receiving their tokens. There were a few outstanding issues that remained to be solved, but thanks to a lot of hard work and long hours from our team, the outstanding issues have now been resolved to the satisfaction of all the eligible involved.

The majority of SDAO tokens in circulation are now in your hands. The method of distribution was chosen specifically with the intention of sharing these tokens with as many of you as possible so that you all will have a fair say in the direction of the platform over the coming months and years.

Very soon we will be hosting our first Governance Event — It will be a vote to choose the stablecoin that SingularityDAO uses across the platform. We currently intend for the choices to be between USDT, USDC and DAI (subject to change based on feedback and research). We sincerely hope that you will all use the tokens you have been given to participate in this vote. With such a large number of token holders we have the opportunity to make this one of the largest ever community governance turnouts in crypto history so please do take part in this, and future voting events. Our dream is a SingularityDAO run entirely by the community, and it all begins with this airdrop and our first vote!

Now, as promised, a breakdown of current platform stats. (accurate at time of writing)

Total Value of Tokens in LP Pools + Staking

$40,000,000+ USD

Total SDAO Locked

9,797,000+ SDAO

Overall Participants

3000+ Unique Wallet Addresses

SDAO Circulating Supply Staked


Bonded Staking


SDAO 3,500,000

Unique Wallets 2700+

Estimated Reward 46.7948 % APY

Total USD Value

$11,000,000+ USD

Unbonded Staking


SDAO 5,500,000

Unique Wallets 1200+

Estimated Reward (current) 23.2705 % APY

Total USD Value


SDAO/ETH Liquidity Pool

38.6234 % Indicative APY at time of writing

LP Token Holders 156
SDAO 492,000+
ETH 508+

Total Dollar Value
$3,000,000+ USD

SDAO/USDT Liquidity Pool

18.4097 % Indicative APY at time of writing

LP Token Holders 19
SDAO 305,000+
USDT 1,000,000+

Total Dollar Value
$2,000,000+ USD

AGIX/ETH Liquidity Pool

22.7043 % Indicative APY at time of writing

LP Token Holders 341
AGIX 5,239,000+
ETH 657+

Total Dollar Value
$5,000,000+ USD

AGIX/USDT Liquidity Pool

62.3817 % Indicative APY at time of writing

LP Token Holders 17
AGIX 1,268,000+
USDT 503,000+

Total Dollar Value
$1,000,000+ USD

Please help us out by subscribing to our SingularityDAO YouTube Channel, we need 1000 subscribers there so that in the future we can live stream AMAs for you all! For the time being you can visit the SingularityNET YouTube Channel to meet our new CTO Chris Poulin and check out our new Roadmap! If you would prefer to read about the roadmap you can also check out this Medium Article.

For all the latest SingularityDAO news, join our Telegram Community and Announcements Channel, follow us on social media, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Medium and Subscribe to our newsletter.

