Jon Grove
SingularityDAO Ai-DeFi
2 min readOct 7, 2021


Greetings Singularitarians,

As detailed in our recently released Hacken announcement, one of our primary mandates at SingularityDAO is keeping an eye out for upcoming projects of interest. One such project is ArtWallet — A project backed by Hacken foundation and founded by Joel Dietz — a founding member of Ethereum and the founding contributor to MetaMask. Many of you may already know this but for those still unaware, we plan to have NFT functionality within our platform as well as across the SingularityNET ecosystem. The team at ArtWallet is building a very interesting NFT wallet with security and ease of use at its heart.

Upcoming projects with backing from strong founders and an ethos of security and usability for the end user are exactly what we will be looking for to offer support from SingularityDAO.

We are very excited to watch ArtWallet grow and hopefully collaborate together in the future towards a mutually beneficial goal of delivering you all some exciting NFT related products. We are also always eager for feedback from our community, including your opinions of what qualities we should be looking for in future partners, investments, launchpads and DynaSet inclusions.

For all the latest SingularityDAO news, join our Telegram Community and Announcements Channel, follow us on social media, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Medium and Subscribe to our newsletter.

