SingularityDAO: DynaSet Rollover

Antoine Roche
SingularityDAO Ai-DeFi
2 min readApr 7, 2023

Greetings DynoForce,

The current trading period comes to an end in just a few days! DynaSets dynBTC, dynETH, dynETHc, dynDYDX and dynL1BNB will begin the rollover process for what could be the last time — starting with redemptions opening on the 9th of April, followed shortly by what is hopefully the final deposit window of the current version of DynaSets! The exact date that deposits open will be announced in a few days.

  • dynBTC, dynETH & dynETHc will keep trading during the process and participants are always able to redeem.
  • dynL1BNB & dynDYDX trading will be paused to process participants’ redemptions until the next contribution phase closes.

Protocol V2

As most of you are aware, Protocol v2 has been in development for some, and you can expect in the coming weeks to start learning a lot more about it. Most relevant to this rollover, however, is that it will be the last one before an exciting — and awaited — upgrade.

With the release of Pv2, DynaSets will become DynaVaults bringing with them lots of upgrades and new mechanics, not least of which will be the end of the deposit, redeem, and trading windows. DynaVaults will be available to enter and exit at any time.

DynaVaults, in conjunction with new staking mechanisms and a few other as yet undisclosed items, will usher in a new, industry-leading tokenomic structure for the protocol along with lots of new strategies and offerings that were previously unachievable on Pv1.

This is coming as the result of months of behind-the-scene work and collaboration between all teams, reaching an important milestone in SingularityDAO’s development and positioning as a pioneer and leader in the Ai-DeFi space. On top of Protocolv2, expect coming news about development in both Ai and DeFi from both sectors.

Stay tuned to hear about the deposit window opening for this final Pv1 trading window and more information about Pv2.

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