SingularityDAO: DynaSets Are Live

Marcello Mari
SingularityDAO Ai-DeFi
2 min readNov 2, 2022

Greetings DinoForce,

DynaSets Are Live!
SingularityDAO are pleased to recap the successful launch of DynaSets, which are now live!

The transition from beta to a live product marks a major milestone as a protocol, this blog will touch on some of the performance numbers as well as SingularityDAO’s new look and DynaSets! All of these were well received by the community and lived up to its expectations. Congratulations to all involved and a huge thank you to the community!

With the launch of new smart contracts for dynBTC and dynETH, users are now able to withdraw their LP tokens, another big step on the road to full decentralisation of the SingularityDAO protocol.

The latest DynaSet, dynDYDX which debuted as a beta during this launch, will have the ability to deploy leveraged long and short strategies through the dYdX protocol, taking both BTC & ETH positions. An exciting glimpse into the future of DynaSets and SingularityDAO.

Alongside DynaSets, a new branding and user interface was revealed to the community, bringing the visual and user experience to new heights, and matching the advanced technologies deployed in DynaSets.

Contribution Statistics
The live launch of DynaSets had a fantastic turnout, with an impressive 880 unique user contributions, almost tripling participants from beta to now! Find below the participation numbers for each DynaSet as well as the combined total which does not include multiple contributions from users who took part in more than one DynaSet:

This week and what comes next
The SinguarityDAO dApp now has some additional functionality added, in the form of Liquidity Provision, Yield Farming and Swapping of DynaSet LP being supported.

Moving forward the new dApp will see frequent updates and additions, the top of that list being a user dashboard to better track everything happening within the platform. Alongside updates to the user experience, Binance Chain DynaSets are close to launching, with the Yield DynaSet to follow shortly after… and maybe one or two surprises between now and then!

Thanks again to everyone who has been around since the early days, those who chose to participate in this launch, and of course welcome to newcomers just embarking on this journey with everyone else at SingularityDAO. This is just the beginning, there is so much more to come, follow these social channels so as not to miss out on anything!

Telegram Community
Announcements Channel


