SingularityDAO DynaSets are LIVE! The Beta Begins!

Marcello Mari
SingularityDAO Ai-DeFi
4 min readDec 22, 2021
  • Today marks the beta launch of DynaSets, non-custodial hedge fund-like AI-powered dynamic token sets
  • SingularityDAO is building sophisticated machine learning algorithms to predict market movements
  • SingularityDAO’s DeFi protocol handles portfolio management on behalf of users, generating alpha in both bull and bear markets

Greeting Singularitarians,

Today, we are launching the beta test of DynaSets. As SingularityDAO’s industry-leading AI crypto portfolio manager, DynaSets are diversified baskets of cryptocurrency assets dynamically managed by a combination of professional hedge fund traders and Artificial Intelligences, all the while the keys to your tokens remain within your control. For this beta launch our team of hedge fund traders will play a major role in all aspects of trade decision making, aided by ‘in training’ AI’s. As the platform is developed, more and more control will be passed from human to AI until, a few years down the road, majority decision making will be handled by AI’s overseen by humans.

Influencers, investors and the SingularityDAO community have all been invited to take part in the beta launch. During the contribution phase, participants had a 5-day window beginning December 15th to submit their funds, after which all submitted tokens are “forged” together into the correctly weighted assets and the DynaSet will begin trading. Today, the 22nd of December, those contributions are being forged into 3 DynaSets: (dynBTC) a DynaSet consisting of Bitcoin and stablecoins, (dynETH) a DynaSet consisting of Ethereum and stablecoins and (dynSING) a DynaSet including all currently launched SingularityNET ecosystem tokens, SDAO, AGIX, NTX and stablecoins. In total almost 3 million dollars worth of tokens were contributed. These 3 DynaSets will now run for 2 months at which time the beta test will conclude, any upgrades and changes will be made and then DynaSets will be opened to the general public for participation.

DynaSets leverage multi-layered smart contracts interacting with the 1inch Network to optimize trade efficiency on decentralized exchanges. With the ability to react to signals immediately and execute multiple trades across multiple liquidity pools simultaneously, limit slippage, increase efficiency and minimize fees, DynaSets have the capacity to optimize a portfolio’s alpha generation. No centralized exchanges, sign-ups or accounts are required. Track their performance live on our app.

Much like hedge funds in traditional finance, DynaSets are dynamically managed collections of utility tokens. However, the Dynamic Asset Manager (DAM) can either be human, AI, or a combination of the two in a non-custodial fashion, meaning that you maintain ownership of your tokens. SingularityDAO’s DynaSets are designed to handle many billions of dollars, and execute trades worth multi-millions of dollars in a single transaction.

Marcello Mari, CEO of SingularityDAO, “Until today, hedge fund quality trading tools were only accessible to those with enough network and liquidity. With our DynaSets we plan to democratize access to sophisticated trading tools powered by Artificial Intelligence. Anybody can add liquidity to our DynaSets and let our AI enhanced expert trading desk do the job while remaining in total control of their crypto.”

Chris Poulin, CTO of SingularityDAO, “Our new beta version represents our first successful attempt to advance the innovation in the DeFi space. In this initial version, we have a combination of quantitative algorithms running, with human traders making the decisions. Meanwhile, in the upcoming 1.0 version, we will have finalized the synergy between man and machine. With both the crypto portfolio making passive yield 24x7, and our experts making the big alpha plays. This represents a true human-in-the-loop AI offering, and a revolution for DeFi.”

Want to learn more about SingularityDAO and DynaSets?

Check out this video for a high level overview of SingularityDAO.

What is SingularityDAO?

Take a look at the following articles for a deep dive into what DynaSets are and how they work.

What is a DynaSet?

DynaSet Trade Executions

DynaSet 1inch Integration

DynaSet Contributions and the Forge

In Other News

For the remainder of this epoch (until block 14413729) we have upgraded the rewards for our BSC pools. Unbonded staking rewards were quadrupled leading to an APR of 80% while both SDAO/BNB and SDAO/BUSD pools had their rewards doubled equating to an APR of 70+% at the time of writing.

Closing Thoughts

It’s been just 7 months since our launch event and in that time we delivered our beta platform along with swap, farming, staking, launchpad and a bridge to BSC where we also launched our full suite of pools. All of these things were just stepping stones on the road to DynaSets and here we are. We couldn’t be more excited today, to finally release Dynas to the world. We truly hope you will all join us in celebrating this launch and everything it means for the project going forward. Thank you to everyone for your support and suggestions, questions and critiques, we couldn’t have done any of this without you all, in fact, we do all of this for you all! So thank you again, we hope you enjoy what we have made!

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