SingularityDAO DynaSets: Deposit Window Opening

Antoine Roche
SingularityDAO Ai-DeFi
3 min readApr 14, 2023

Greeting Singularitarians,

What could be the final trading window of SingularityDAO’s Protocol v1 is about to begin, beginning the countdown to Protocol v2 ushering in the transition from ‘DynaSets’ to ‘DynaVaults’.

Before disclosing the deposit windows, here are a couple of notes on the recent updates and improvements to v1 DynaSets:

Thanks to our partner Immunify, we have further improved upon the security standards of the DynaSet smart contracts. As DeFi evolves, it is important that smart contracts are constantly monitored and secured.

The changes made required, as always, an up-to-date audit from our partner Hacken. The time needed to apply these changes, and then to pass all test requirements and get re-audited (with a 10/10 score) lead to the deposit window being pushed back following the redeem window of the previous trading period.

The following information details the changes this has resulted in, as well as the dates for deposits.

How do these changes affect this deposit window?

Due to the latest smart contract updates, there will be some slight alterations to the UI allowing for users both old and new to deposit and monitor their DynaSet LPs.

  • If you deposited in the previous trading window but do not deposit in the one coming:
    You will still be able to interact with your position in the withdraw and redeem pop-ups using the dropdown “Forge” + “Q1 2023”.
  • If you deposit in this coming trading window:
    You can contribute in the new forges (the contributions will be forged in the same DynaSets) but will be displayed as “Forge” + “Q2 2023” in the withdraw and redeem pop-ups.
  • If you deposited in the previous trading window and will also be depositing in this one:
    You will be able to interact with all LPs in the withdraw and redeems pop-ups by changing which forge is displayed.
  • If you wish to stay a participant during this coming window with your previous DynaSets LPs, no action is required — it will be automatically rolled over.

Timeline of Events

  • Deposits Open: April 17th, 12:00 UTC
  • Deposits Close: April 24th, 12:00 UTC
  • Trading Open: April 24th, 12:00 UTC
  • Trading Close: July 24th, 12:00 UTC

This trading window is targeted to run for 3 months and culminate in the release of Protocol v2.

Of course, as with all things in software and blockchain development, safety and security will always be priority number one, and due to the stringent testing required, there is the potential for delays, but so far everything is on track.

Contribution Tokens

For DynBTC, users will be able to contribute with USDC, WBTC, ETH, WETH — with a minimum $500 equivalent contribution. Please note that there is a maximum of $50,000 equivalent contribution for WBTC forge.

For DynETH, DynETHc, DynDYDX, users will be able to contribute with USDC, WETH, ETH — with a minimum $500 equivalent contribution.

For DynL1BNB (on BNB Chain), users will be able to contribute with BUSD, BNB, WBNB — with a minimum of $10 equivalent contribution.

During what is likely the final trading window of Protocol v1, be sure to follow all of the SingularityDAO social channels as information about Protocol v2 is finally unveiled. Expect to hear about new tokenomics, new staking mechanics, new DynaVaults, new tiers and reward structures, fee distributions… and more…

Social Links

Telegram Community
Announcements Channel


