SingularityDAO DynaSets: Open Beta Ending

Jon Grove
SingularityDAO Ai-DeFi
3 min readJun 17, 2022

Greetings Singularitarians,

Open Beta DynaSets

The second quarter of 2022 is coming to a close, as is the beta of DynaSets. In preparation for the launch of our updated platform and updated DynaSets, we will be opening the withdrawal window of both dynBTC and dynETH. The schedule of events will be shared later in this document.

Withdrawals of dynSING will follow a little after both dynBTC and dynETH. This is due to the fact that we have decided to wind down this DynaSet for the time being as we make some assessments before redeploying. For this reason, withdrawals will be enabled after the current contracts have been upgraded to new versions. At this time, withdrawals will be required, as the DynaSet will not roll over.

For users of dynBTC and dynETH, you will not be required to withdraw your tokens if you wish to remain within these DynaSets.

Leveraged DynaSet

We previously stated in our roadmap that dynBTC and dynETH would roll over into a single DynaSet with the ability to both short and apply leverage. We have since taken feedback from multiple sources and concluded that the better path is to offer this as a separate DynaSet. Therefore, users who wish to participate using funds already within a DynaSet will be required to withdraw and then contribute to this new set. This first leveraged DynaSet will launch as a beta capped at $4,999,999 in total contribution size.

BNB Chain DynaSet

Recently you all voted and chose to launch a DynaSet on BNB Chain consisting of Layer1 Blockchain Tokens. We are currently assessing the winning tokens to make 100% sure they have enough daily volume and liquidity to support trading by our DynaSets. More details about this DynaSet will be released as we approach the contribution window.

Stablecoin Yield DynaSet

The last of the current round of DynaSet launches will be our Stablecoin Yield DynaSet. With so many launches imminent, we are staggering the release dates so as not to overload devs or users. As the last of our Q2 roadmap releases, this DynaSet is deserving of an article to itself, you can expect to hear much more about it closer to the time of launch.

DynaSet rollout schedule

  • June 20–27th: Open beta dynETH/dynBTC opt-out
  • June 27th: Open beta dynETH/dynBTC fees processed
  • June 27th onwards: Open beta dynETH/dynBTC withdrawals for users who opted out

These dates are locked in, and ready to go. Below will be a list of the remaining upcoming events in order of release. While dates are not quite ready to be guaranteed, they are in their final stages of preparation and will follow in phases, very closely on the heels of the open beta withdrawals.

  • Phase 1
    a: dynETH/dynBTC/dynSING contract upgrade
    b: dynETH/dynBTC contribution window opens
    c: Leveraged BTC/ETH DynaSet beta contribution opens
    d: dynSING withdrawal opens
    e: dynETH/dynBTC LP token minting enabled
  • Phase 2
    : Phase 1 contributions close
    b: Trading begins on dynETH, dynBTC and Leverage DynaSet
  • Phase 3
    : BNB Layer 1 DynaSet contribution opens
  • Phase 4
    : Phase 3 contributions close
    b: BNB Layer 1 DynaSet trading begins
  • Phase 5
    : Stablecoin Yield DynaSet contribution opens
  • Phase 6
    : Phase 5 contributions close
    Stablecoin Yield DynaSet trading begins

SingularityDAO: Upgraded

Phase 1 has a lot of moving pieces that all need to align for the launch to be a success, one of those being the release of a rebranded, redesigned, reimagined user interface and platform. We really cannot wait to show you the beautiful new dApp, added features, new design and of course all the new DynaSets. But wait just a little longer, we must.

The first weeks of July will see the culmination of the last year of work come to life, make sure you are following our social channels so as not to miss out on any of it!

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