SingularityDAO DynaSets: Open Beta Results

Antoine Roche
SingularityDAO Ai-DeFi
5 min readJul 6, 2022

Greetings Singularitarians,

Last week we closed the Open Beta and the results are out. We are pleased to have your support and trust during this tough period for the whole crypto space. In the following article you will find some comparisons between DynaSet performance and market ones, and some other interesting data analytics for the trading period of April 12th to June 27th.

DynaSets versus benchmarks

For those who have followed us since the inception of DynaSets, it’s now clear that DynaSets are beating their benchmarks during the downtrends, but it’s always important to monitor this closely. During this Open Beta period, dynBTC has outperformed BTC by more than 32% while dynETH has beaten ETH by more than 45%.

In US Dollar terms

  • DynBTC overperformed the market by 32%, ending the trading window at -15.82% versus -51.29% of the benchmark
  • DynETH overperformed the market by 45%, ending the trading window at -14% versus -62.20% of the benchmark



DynaSets versus other markets

While crypto has seen more and more institutional players moving into the space, we want to keep track of our DynaSets performance versus other investment sectors in order to keep attracting more eyes to crypto. These markets are far less volatile than BTC & ETH are and the below table gives a small overview of other markets downside compared to the exposure via DynaSets to cryptocurrencies.

DynaSets versus Market Cap & Indexes

Even if not entirely relevant to compare our DynaSets performance against market cap segments or indices, it’s always good to see the overall market conditions as a point of reference to measure the differential. The Top 10 Crypto index is down by 54.77% while dynBTC & dynETH absorbed most of the hit and protected their participants from this fall.

DynaSets versus HODL

If you consider DynaSets as a way to increase your BTC/ETH holdings over the period, here are some interesting results based on the prices of dyn tokens and BTC/ETH when trading started and their equivalent value at the time withdrawals were opened.

  • If you deposited 1 ETH, you can withdraw the equivalent of 2.12 ETH, returns of 212% in less than 3 months. That represents an APR of 1018% (approximately).
  • If you deposited 1 wBTC, you can withdraw the equivalent of 1.599 wBTC, returns of 159.3% in less than 3 months. That represents an APR of 765% (approximately).

How? Let’s say you deposited 1 ETH in Open Beta on April 12th, your USD contribution value was around $3,033 and you would have received 3211.9 dynETH accordingly as the starting price was @$0.94 per dynETH. Closing price of dynETH was @$0.81, meaning you withdrew 2,608 USDC. If you bought ETH back at $1,230 its price when the withdrawals were open you received 2.12 ETH.

Note on dynSING

This DynaSet will continue trading until we roll over funds to the updated V1 contracts. At that time this DynaSet will be closed until further notice.
Users will have to:

  • Withdraw their LP tokens from the forge
  • Redeem their token either in SDAO or with the weight of the DynaSet holdings at that time (USDC/SDAO)

We will provide the community with further updates on that specific DynaSet when we are ready to relaunch it in the coming weeks.

Every user has to redeem from dynSING as we are closing it temporarily and we will launch the new on another smart-contract.

Note from the DAM

Going into the Open Beta release, the evolving geopolitical, monetary policy and idiosyncratic risks were emerging. Our models’ understanding of complex market phenomena (and broader macroeconomic factors) showed that the best strategy was to hold the majority of DynaSets holdings in cash for the majority of the time period. This enabled the Dynasets to secure and protect participants’ capital whilst the broader market imploded.

The Capital Preservation strategy could not be turned to a profit from these market opportunities (given the long only nature of the Dynasets) given the market conditions. . But …. The strategy was a success and Contributors’ capital risk was protected.

Our work proved that focusing on various factors and changing interrelationships is an important element in making trading decisions in the crypto markets and will continue to do so in the future. We stand ready to accommodate the changing and evolving market landscape and continue to learn and grow from the markets. Markets are a changing, fluid dynamic system which requires participants to modify themselves in accordance with its changing character.

Here at SingularityDAO we respect the markets nature and invest heavily in staying on top of its evolving character. We are confident in continuing to deliver outstanding results to DynaSet users going forward.


DynaSets have proven to be a real and highly effective hedge against bear markets, and we are excited about what is coming next. In the next few weeks we will be launching our decentralized contracts with rollover from Open Beta to V1, the first leveraged DynaSet, the first BNB DynaSet and much more. We feel blessed to have your support on this incredible journey.

Make sure you keep an eye on all our social channels to stay up to date on all these things and everything else SingularityDAO!

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Disclaimer :

Please remember that past performance may not be indicative of future results. Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that the future performance of any specific investment, investment strategy, or product made reference to directly or indirectly in this newsletter (article), will be profitable, equal any corresponding indicated historical performance level(s), or be suitable for your portfolio. Due to various factors, including changing market conditions, the content may no longer be reflective of current opinions or positions. Moreover, you should not assume that any discussion or information contained in this newsletter (article) serves as the receipt of, or as a substitute for, personalized investment advice from SingularityDAO.

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