SingularityDAO Launchpad: Rejuve.AI Token Generation Event

Jon Grove
SingularityDAO Ai-DeFi
4 min readFeb 27, 2023

The world’s leading launchpad for AI projects prepares for its second Token Generation Event — Rejuve.AI

Important Update: Due to the ongoing de-peg of USDC, contributions for the Rejuve TGE will be USDT.


AGIX-ADA supported through wallet linking, see below

Greetings DinoForce,

Today, the time has come to announce that the SingularityDAO Launchpad is preparing to go live for a second time to support the Rejuve.AI Token Generation Event (TGE) beginning on March 13th, with KYC opening on March 1st!

Those of you who participated in the Nunet launch; which raised $2million in 90 seconds, will remember that allocations were offered on a first come first served basis. Things will be done differently this time, with guaranteed allocations based on DAO Participation Staking Tiers. First will come “Round 1 — Guaranteed Allocation”, which upon completion will see all remaining tokens moved to “Round 2 — First Come First Served”, this will be available to anyone who has completed KYC regardless of their DAO Participation level. This approach was decided some months ago through a DAO Governance Event.

Eligibility Tiers Explained

While the SingularityDAO Launchpad is available to any worthy project, some priority is given to Artificial Intelligence projects, and of course, supporting the SingularityNET Ecosystem. This new SDAO Tier System will be applied to all launches on the platform, but there will be some additional means of participation specifically for Ecosystem Projects through the support of the AGIX token. Users with both SDAO and AGIX tokens ARE ELIGIBLE to participate in both pools simultaneously.

SDAO Staking Tiers (ERC20/BEP-20)

S: 20,000 SDAO
A: 10,000 SDAO
B: 5,000 SDAO
C: 2,500 SDAO
D: 1,000 SDAO

Epoch/Bonded Vaults: Included
Unbonded Vaults: Included
Liquidity Provision: Not Included
Unstaked: Not Included

AGIX Staking Tiers (ERC20)

S: 40,000 AGIX
A: 20,000 AGIX
B: 10,000 AGIX
C: 5,000 AGIX
D: 2,000 AGIX

AGIX Staking Portal: Included (
AGIX Unbonded Pool: Included (Pool will be launched on the SDAO dApp)
Liquidity Provision: Not Included
Unstaked: Not Included (please see AGIX-ADA section)


**We are happy to announce that our Cardano wallet linking tool is now functional at! Use this tool if you want your AGIX tokens on Cardano to count for allocations. Please link your Cardano wallet to an Ethereum wallet and enter that Ethereum wallet address during the KYC process. AGIX balances on all linked wallets will be combined for the allocation calculations. The AGIX on Cardano does not have to be staked. However, during the contribution period you’ll have to use the Ethereum wallet for USDT contributions.

The remainder of this paragraph was put here before the above update was added to this section:

Currently staking is not available for AGIX-ADA token holders which provides an extra challenge in making this token sale available to SingularityNET’s valued AGIX-ADA community. SNET’s blockchain engineering team is working hard to create a new wallet-linking solution, especially for their AGIX-ADA token holders and if that passes a rigorous testing programme this week users will be informed by next Monday, March 6th at the latest.

For the time being only AGIX on Ethereum will be eligible for KYC, but if the wallet-linking solution is resolved in time, AGIX-ADA KYC will be enabled.

More details will be released regarding the status of this solution by Monday, 6th March at the latest, to allow for user action (either KYC participation or in the event that wallet-link is not ready, bridging AGIX to Ethereum).

Do stay tuned as the community will be alerted to the results of this effort at the earliest possible time.

Further Participation Details

In order to participate, users will be required to complete a KYC/AML process, details of which can be found in the image below.

Within 48 hours of the KYC ending, and any time up to the completion of the event, snapshots will be taken to ensure that participants do not move their SDAO or AGIX.

Should you require any assistance throughout the KYC or Launchpad event, please use the following ‘Rejuve — KYC Troubleshooting’ Telegram Channel.

Timeline Of Events

27th February: Rejuve TGE Announced
1st March 12:00 UTC: KYC Begins
11th March 12:00 UTC: KYC Ends
11th March 12:00 UTC: Snapshots Begin
12th March:
Allocations Assigned

Round 1: DAO Participation

13th March 12:00 UTC: Contributions Open
13th+14th March: USDT Contributions To Allocated Pool(s)
14th March 23:59 UTC:
Contributions Close

15th March: Unassigned Tokens Allocated to FCFS Pool

Round 2: First Come First Serve

15th March 12:00 UTC: Contributions Open
16th March 11:59 UTC: Contributions Close*

16th March: Snapshots End
*Contributions will close early if allocation is filled

16th March 12:00 UTC: Token Claim Opens

For full details on this Token Generation Event, including Tokenomics and Distribution, please refer to this article from Rejuve.AI.

Closing Remarks

This will be the first TGE using the updated DAO Participation Tier mechanics, and SingularityDAO would like to remind people that growth is an iterative process, it will be valuable to hear user feedback on Telegram and Discord about this new solution.

Stay tuned to all SingularityDAO Social Channels as Rejuve.AI is the first in a series of upcoming SingularityNET Ecosystem launches over the coming weeks and months.

Social Links

Telegram Community
Announcements Channel


