SingularityDAO Roadmap 2022: 2nd Quarter

Marcello Mari
SingularityDAO Ai-DeFi
4 min readMar 7, 2022

Greetings Singularitarians,

The first quarter of 2022 was all about finishing off the beta version of the platform, and putting the plans together for everything that is to come. Quarter 2 will see SingularityDAO born again with a re-imagined new user experience, look and feel. That is, V1.0 of DynaSets, V2.0 of the platform, and a whole host of new features. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at everything planned from April to June in the Q2 2022 roadmap.

The Roadmap: How and When we’ll democratize access to sophisticated finance

Q2 April-June 2022

The Roadmap: Explained

Q2 April-June 2022

DynaSets: The first step to creating the most impactful DeFi product in the world

  • Diversified major asset DynaSet
  • With the launch of DynaSets V1.0, and the ability to short and apply leverage to trades, we will combine dynBTC and dynETH into a single DynaSet.
  • For those who contributed to the Open Beta and want to stay in the V1.0, the positions will be rolled over automatically from dynBTC & dynETH into this new DynaSet.
  • In the future, we might have multiple versions of the same DynaSets with and without leveraging so that the users can select their preferred strategies. But as per community feedback, we decided to go with short & leverage for V1.0.
  • Shorting and leverage
  • Integration of both shorting and leveraged trading functionalities will be complete and allow our DAM to employ more advanced trading strategies across compatible DynaSets.
  • BNB Chain DynaSet
  • The first DynaSet on the BNB Chain will be launched. Initially it will be using a long only strategy.
  • Multi-asset derivatives DynaSet
  • A new DynaSet will be launched on the Ethereum blockchain, this will be a larger set of multiple high volume/liquidity tokens that are compatible with short & leverage functionalities.
  • Stablecoin DynaSet
  • A DynaSet consisting of stablecoins will be launched. This DynaSet will open the doors to some interesting new use cases and methods of generating Alpha.
  • The DynaSet will monitor stablecoin yield farming protocols, and generate alpha by moving coins between the best performing pools.
  • DynaSet LP token withdrawal
  • Users will be able to withdraw their DynaSet LP tokens.

Artificial Intelligence: The road to real AI for Decentralized Finance

  • Portfolio Management (“PM”) v0.2
  • Over the end of Q1, and the beginning of Q2, we will validate our PM system behaviour. “Validation” in this case means that we will publish the results to the community. So that we can all assume a level of documented past performance when it comes to future automated DynaSets.
  • At this time the project will still be in the early stages of development, but we want to keep the community updated on the process and progress of these important tasks.
  • Price prediction: Transformer neural nets
  • We are kicking off two price prediction efforts. One with a soon to be announced partner, one of the leaders in high-end HPC. Another within SingularityNET.
  • Our new partner has existing (non-crypto) customers in the area of price prediction.
  • More to come on this.
  • Real time event detection
  • Another upcoming partner has created a lean genetic programming environment, currently used to detect real-time patterns with the famous Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) lab. The principal investigator believes he can bring the same real-time detection to crypto events.
  • This event detection capability will be invaluable to our traders, and analytical staff.
  • Sentiment analysis (POC)
  • Our marketing team has proven the need for a variety of use cases in sentiment analysis. Longer term, we would also like to see the effect of sentiment on crypto asset prediction.
  • This initial piece will be a proof of concept which will develop further over the coming months and years.

Platform: Building a powerful one-stop-shop to democratize finance

  • Launch platform V2
  • Alongside the rollout of fully featured DynaSets, we will be releasing a completely redesigned and reimagined platform. This will include QOL upgrades and a visual redesign alongside numerous improvements and additional features.
  • BNB Chain bonded staking
  • Bonded Staking will go live on BNB Chain.
  • Branding update
  • With the release of Platform V2, SingularityDAO will see a full brand update applied across the board. New colours, new art, new styles and more…
  • Launchpad events
  • Q2 will see more active use of the SingularityDAO Launchpad. There are already a number of projects lined up to take advantage of the platform.
  • DAO membership
  • Mechanics to increase the utility of holding the SDAO token will be implemented, affecting many aspects of the project and including additional perks and benefits to SDAO token holders.
  • DAO membership will not be a one time addition to the platform, but an ongoing and growing mechanism to encourage new members and reward long term holders. Quarter 2 will see the first early implementation of DAO membership deployed.

Stay tuned for Q3 coming soon

Where Q2 sees a lot of big updates to DynaSets and the SingularityDAO platform, Q3 is where much of the AI pieces begin to fall into place. Make sure you sign up to our social channels so you don’t miss out on the next update!

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