SingularityDAO Roadmap 2022: 3rd Quarter

Marcello Mari
SingularityDAO Ai-DeFi
5 min readMar 9, 2022

Greetings Singularitarians,

While the first quarter of 2022 was focused on rounding off the beta, and the second quarter will see the launch of V1 DynaSets and the V2 platform, quarter 3 is focused on building on top of that. We will add more layers to mature the platform, which means more DynaSets than ever. One DynaSet that is under AI control, as well as more advanced frameworks for other Artificial Intelligence services. Add to that, the fine tuning of all the newly released platform updates from the previous months, and we have another jam packed quarter of a roadmap to share with you!

The Roadmap: How and When we’ll democratize access to sophisticated finance
Q3 July-September 2022

The Roadmap: Explained
Q3 July-September 2022

DynaSets: The first step to creating the most impactful DeFi product in the world

  • AI automated DynaSet
  • In Q3 we hope to see the launch of our first “AI automated DynaSet” — This DynaSet will rebalance between tokens automatically using AI’s and Trading Bots, while of course keeping a human-in-the-loop.
  • This DynaSet is being built on top of the “PM” system that our AI team is developing.
  • New EVM DynaSets
  • We will begin launching DynaSets on other EVM compatible blockchains, likely Avalanche (AVAX) although some other chains are also in consideration.
  • V1 will be long only based on a set of tokens still to be determined, depending on volume and liquidity at time of launch.
  • Governance vote: Community DynaSet
  • At this time we will hold a number of Governance Events to choose the composition of a new DynaSet, as well as which chain it should be on.
  • The exact processes here are still being defined and we will look to community feedback as to how best to both receive and execute on community proposals.
  • It could be proposals and votes for individual tokens to be included, or perhaps proposals and votes on which ‘type’ of DynaSet to launch — MetaVerse/DeFi/Layer1/NFT.
  • Eligible tokens would need to meet certain volume and liquidity requirements.
  • Yield farming tools for DynaSets
  • Building on top of the work done in the stablecoin yield farming DynaSet, the ability to farm yield will begin to be applied to other DynaSets so that during times of little market action, they are still able to generate alpha.

Artificial Intelligence: The road to real AI for Decentralized Finance

  • Portfolio management (“PM”) v1.0
  • With a validated/robust automated portfolio management system, we will be confident in our ability to deploy this as a standalone Dynaset.
  • Although the human-in-the-loop version is the best/proven investment strategy, many crypto investors might want to go “Full AI” to generate passive income.
  • The initial versions at least will continue to include ‘human in the loop’, however over time, we would seek to minimize the human effort.
  • This work is reflected in the DynaSets roadmap as “AI automated DynaSet
  • Trading bots
  • Trading Bots in crypto are nothing new. A popular one is the Kucoin trading bot. However, we think we can dramatically improve the state of the art here (e.g. full integration with our PM system). And as such, we will finish an internal POC for Trading Bots where the initial success metric (upside and downside) is higher than those in the current market. As such, this is the culmination of Q1 + Q2 work with our Trading team, and the work with our Portfolio Management system.
  • It is however, only the beginning of the story — stay tuned for Q4.
  • On-chain event Detection
  • Once our new partners have refactored their code from physics data to crypto data, we will integrate our on-chain data into their pipeline. We will also build interfaces for this, both internal, and for the dApp.
  • Building out these frameworks is a long term mission that will take our in development AI systems to the next level when it all comes together.
  • Sentiment analysis V0.1
  • Sentiment analysis is a fundamental piece of the puzzle that we are working to solve at SingularityDAO.
  • While theory, design and planning has been ongoing for many months now, in Q3 we plan to have the first working proof of concept (or multiple variations of concepts) built and actively monitoring social channels.
  • At this time it will not be user facing, although we hope to at least have more information regarding the work done to share with you all. More on this in Q4.

Platform: Building a powerful one-stop-shop to democratize finance

  • Admin panel V2: Internal use
  • The V2 admin panel is something users are unlikely to ever see, but is a very important function of the platform, and it will be rolled out internally.
  • A fully automated control centre where we are able to launch a new DynaSet or Launchpad event by simply entering the required information and pressing a button.
  • This will help streamline future releases and free up development time to work on more advanced features.
  • Language localizations
  • SingularityDAO has a truly worldwide community, for which we are supremely grateful. With this in mind we will begin adding localizations to our dApp meaning that you will be able to interact with DynaSets, staking, launchpads, everything, in your native language.
  • This will begin with just one or two languages but be an ongoing task to add as many as possible.
  • In the future we may offer rewards to those who can help with translations, stay tuned if that is something that interests you.
  • Platform V2 QOL upgrades
  • With the launch of our newly re-imagined platform in the second quarter, there is likely to be feedback revealing improvements that can further enhance the user experience. Q3 will be all about implementing these small changes and fixes to create the best possible experience for all.
  • Launchpad events
  • You can expect the number of launchpad events to increase throughout the year as we implement more automations to make the process quicker and easier.
  • Quality will always be the priority over quantity however.

Stay tuned for Q4 coming soon

Well, there we have it, the third quarter of 2022, another plan for a busy 3 months. Be ready for the Q4 roadmap release in the coming days, a slightly less dense edition. But filled with some development heavy, highly important and extremely interesting updates nonetheless!

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