SingularityDAO Roadmap 2022: 4th Quarter

Marcello Mari
SingularityDAO Ai-DeFi
5 min readMar 11, 2022

Greetings Singularitarians,

The previous plans for quarters have been action packed with numerous deliverables, updates and new features. In the 4th quarter there are not quite so many items to reveal just yet. However, the pieces we are working on are extremely heavy in terms of technical development. They therefore will require all of our team members to come together and focus on their respective areas of expertise. It should also be mentioned that the end of the year is still some way off, so you should not be surprised to see some unexpected things launch alongside these currently disclosed plans. As such, it may even be that some projects are ready early, while others take longer than expected.

The Roadmap: How and When we’ll democratize access to sophisticated finance
Q4 October-December 2022

The Roadmap: Explained
Q4 October-December 2022

DynaSets: The first step to creating the most impactful DeFi product in the world

  • Non-EVM DynaSets
  • We plan to launch the first Non-EVM DynaSet at this time.
  • Unlike launching EVM compatible DynaSets, this requires full refactoring of all code to be compatible with the native languages of any chosen blockchain.
  • There are a number of chains in consideration, Cardano being one primary choice, but of course in this we are somewhat dependent on their development timelines.
  • Other chains like Solana are also being considered, and will likely follow soon after, if not before Cardano.
  • Community DynaSet
  • Based on the results of the governance events expected in Q3, we will be launching a DynaSet chosen by the community.
  • No more information can be shared at this point, as we have no idea what you are all going to choose!
  • Index DynaSet
  • A DynaSet including a larger variety of tokens, perhaps top 10, top 50, or even the top 100 (based on liquidity and trading volume) will be launched.
  • This DynaSet will incorporate the AI portfolio management systems that have been developed over the previous months, as well as human traders and perhaps even meta-trading bots.

Artificial Intelligence: The road to real AI for Decentralized Finance

  • Meta-trading bots
  • Meta-trading bots’ is really a capstone goal for the team. That is, “how can we distil everything we have learned (over the previous months and years) into a really smart bot that trades crypto?”. Then, if so, how do we best get this to the community? (e.g. dApp or distinct service).
  • We are confident that we can do this, and are pushing towards this synthesis of cumulative efforts.
  • Sentiment analysis v0.2
  • Assuming that we have one or two winning POC projects in this area, and that one or two were deployed in Q3 (e.g. v0.1), we will debug/refactor for a refined product.
  • Creating this tool is massive in scope, effort and importance. We hope that in the 4th quarter of 2022 we will have at the very least an Artificial Intelligence capable of monitoring social channels and making educated reports/signals to feed to the trading team.
  • Work on this will continue well into 2023 and beyond.

Platform: Building a powerful one-stop-shop to democratize finance

  • Lite mode
  • DeFi and Crypto in general is still a mystery to many. The barriers to entry are high. We plan to launch a “Lite Mode” that even your grandparents could use, should they so choose
  • This will be a highly simplified version of the platform that many of you will find little use for. However, we anticipate DynaSets will gain mass attention as they continue to improve and prove their worth. For that reason, an easy onboarding process will be highly valuable to the non-crypto literate coming to find us later in the year and beyond, into 2023.
  • Technical framework: DAO ownership
  • SingularityDAO is, as the name suggests, a DAO.
  • DAO’s in general are a relatively new concept that has really not been refined into a truly “Decentralized Autonomous Organization”.
  • This year and those to follow will no doubt change that, therefore in the 4th quarter of 2022 we will begin laying the technical framework for handing over control of aspects of the platform, smart contracts and decision making, to the SingularityDAO community.
  • Again this will be a long and slow path, with many discussions, rounds of feedback, votes, suggestions and debates.
  • Regardless of how this ends up being implemented, there are certain technical requirements that need to be designed/created/built to enable things like community governed smart contract updates and the like.
  • Launchpad events
  • As with Q2 and Q3, you can expect to see more launchpad events. These may not always be frequent, but we will endeavour to be sure they are always carefully selected, vetted, safe and promising projects.

Special edition: Roadmap part 5 coming soon!

As mentioned in the opening paragraph of this article, there could be other unexpected items launched throughout the year, as well as potential delays or changes to plans. With this in mind we would like to take a moment to just remind everyone that while this Roadmap for the year of 2022 has been painstakingly put together to be as current and accurately representative as possible, things can and probably will change due to any number of unforeseen circumstances. With all that said, thank you all for taking the time to stay up to date with all our recent developments and announcements, we truly hope you are as excited about 2022 as we surely are!

Stay tuned to all socials for a special edition article next week detailing some of the other things we are working on that have no particular timeframe connected, but that we hope to get to you as soon as possible!

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