SingularityDAO Roadmap 2022: Extras

Marcello Mari
SingularityDAO Ai-DeFi
6 min readMar 15, 2022

Greetings Singularitarians,

We hope you enjoyed our 2022 Roadmap! Just one last update to share with you; all the things we are working on that have no specific timeline associated with them. Some of these we hope to release within 2022, potentially even in the next few months, but due to reliance on 3rd party developments we are unable to specify exactly when. Then, there are other items that are in development but may or may not come out during 2022. This ‘Roadmap: Extras’ edition is intended to share with you the vision of where we see the platform going throughout this year and into the next. Of course, by 2023 there will likely be many more things to add!

The Roadmap: How and When we’ll democratize access to sophisticated finance


The Roadmap: Explained


  • Ongoing integration: AGIX and NTX
  • SingularityDAO is part of the SingularityNET Ecosystem.
  • High on our list of priorities will be ongoing integration with both SingularityNET, the AGIX token, NuNet and the NTX token.
  • While all of our AI systems are built in-house and able to run standalone, when SingularityNET is ready to host our services, we will begin the process of integrating them into the platform to leverage both the SingularityNET Marketplace and the AGIX token.
  • NuNet is still in early production, but as and when it is ready to provide compute services capable of running appropriate parts of our systems, we will also begin these integrations.
  • With these two integrations the SingularityNET ecosystem will truly begin to thrive and prove its use case, it will also greatly increase the decentralization of the SingularityDAO project. No longer reliant on services such as AWS (Amazon Web Services) and the like.
  • This will be a long and ongoing task, that will begin when all platforms are ready, and be a gradual process. We really are excited to see the fruition of a truly self-sufficient ecosystem, and to be part of building it!
  • Cardano integration
  • Launching the SDAO token on Cardano should not be too difficult, or too far away in terms of time. However DynaSets on Cardano will require a huge amount of development, which we are already in the early stages of preparations for.
  • There are other prerequisites for DynaSets however, such as having high volume and liquidity tokens traded on reliable and proven DEX’s. This is something entirely outside of our control and as such we are unable to provide a specific timeframe here.
  • Rest assured though that we are eager to get there, and will do so with all haste when the time comes.
  • Other non-EVM blockchains
  • Cardano is one of multiple layer 1 blockchains that we are researching or already in talks with. NEAR Protocol, for example, is another.
  • If time allows, we will be launching the SDAO token and DynaSets everywhere! Assuming that they have tokens worthy of inclusion in Dynas. For 2022 we will be prioritizing Cardano and perhaps one or two others should time allow, but in 2023 you can expect to see us greatly expand our reach.
  • NFT DynaSets
  • One item we are really excited to launch is DynaSets that trade NFT’s.
  • We believe this DynaSet could bring some novel and new ways to generate Alpha that makes it worth exploring.
  • As usual plans are already underway, but 2022 only has 365 days and so NFT DynaSets, while we would like, and hope to have them live sooner, may be a 2023 item.
  • NFT platform
  • NFT’s as they are now are often just JPEG’s hosted on centralized databases.
  • NFT’s in the future will be so much more, and at SingularityDAO we will be ready and at the forefront of this innovation.
  • We are already planning some super interesting NFT use cases, as are both Rejuve and SophiaDAO.
  • In the same way that SingularityDAO is the DeFi platform for the whole SingularityNET ecosystem, we will be positioning ourselves as the NFT solution due to the obvious synergies.
  • Customizable dashboard
  • With the release of ‘Platform V2’ our dApp will see a new dashboard that will allow you to better track and monitor your actions within our platform, as well as the actions of our DynaSets.
  • We have no intention of stopping at that however, and so over the course of 2022, into 2023 and even beyond the dashboard will see continuous upgrades.
  • Our goal is to build a highly advanced and customizable dashboard with expert features that will not only allow for tracking of your SDAO within our platform, but also perhaps give the user access to tools that can help them in interesting ways outside of our platform.
  • It will eventually even include things like AI signals and observations of market conditions among other things.
  • This will likely become a ‘DAO Membership’ only feature, and an extremely powerful tool for our users.
  • Platform gamification
  • SDAO tokenomics are another extremely important topic that we certainly do not want to overlook.
  • Many of the new features to be added over the course of 2022 will greatly enhance tokenomics, but platform gamification will be an enhancement above and beyond that.
  • We are working hard to do this in a way that is interesting, fun and rewarding, while remaining in line with our brand, company and community reputation and standards.
  • More to be shared in the coming months.
  • Mobile dApp
  • As crypto becomes more mainstream, a mobile dApp will become far higher priority. For now the focus remains on creating an amazing desktop experience. But towards the end of the year focus will shift to creating a highly engaging and user friendly mobile way to access all SingularityDAO functions.
  • While unlikely to be released in 2022, this will hopefully be on an App Store near you within 2023. — Android at least… Let’s hope Apple improves their crypto policies soon.
  • Until then, we will of course work hard to make sure the current desktop version remains mobile friendly.
  • Progressive DAO decentralization
  • Last but by no means least, in fact potentially the most important item on this list, true decentralization of SingularityDAO.
  • There are a couple of mentions of this in our roadmap, including the technical framework development that will begin in the second half of the year.
  • Decentralization is incredibly important, not only to us as a team, and you as a community, but also to the world as a whole.
  • For this reason, an ongoing task of incredibly high importance is the decentralization of SingularityDAO, DeFi, Crypto and Finance in general.
  • There is no timeline on this, as it will be an ongoing mission until it is complete, even after that, no doubt there will be endless updates and improvements.
  • We are committed to the process — and doing it right!

The Roadmap: Conclusions

Creating the roadmap for 2022 has been incredibly exciting for the SingularityDAO team, as we take a look at everything we have planned and work to map out the creation and execution of it all. Exciting, and a little daunting, but we are determined and dedicated, motivated and passionate. There will be hurdles, stumbles and difficulties along the way, but we have built and continue to build an amazing team alongside you, our wonderful community. With your continued support and the tireless hard work of our team, all obstacles will be overcome and together we will succeed. Blockchain and cryptocurrency in general are just getting started, and SingularityDAO will take it all to new heights of financial freedom for everyone involved.

Thanks once more for taking the time to read all of these roadmap updates.

Stay tuned for… everything that is coming!

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