JD.com & Alibaba Are Going to Slay Big Health Industry

JD Health’s future landing area will have the three main targets, medical supply chain, medical service, and the chronical disease management, said by Xin Lijun, the chief executive officer of JD Health on the JD Healthcare Partnership Ceremony on October, 28th. Moreover, with the bright future expectation, JD Health would like to bridge the connection of “Internet+Medical Service”.

JD.com currently has established several subsidiaries, including JD Pharmacy and JD Yao, which has channeled 100K+ local pharmacy and clinics. Moreover, JD Pharmacy has already been ranked as the top scale of medical retails service line. Meanwhile, it has cooperated with more than 30 hospitals in order to advance the capabilities of Internet connection with medical organizations. So far, there are already 30 thousand doctors joining the team, in which 62% of them are from first-class hospitals especially nearly 80% doctors are attending physicians with years of experiences.

Another worldwide famous ecommerce giant, Alibaba, whose affiliates Yunfeng Capital have inked a deal to purchase 10.82 per cent shares in Shenzhen-listed Meinian Onehealth, a second-place listed Chinese firm providing physical examination and medical services. As for iKang and Ciming Checkup respectively take the first and third place in body checkup industry. Moreover, iKang has been acquired by Alibaba and Suning.com in this March, meanwhile, Meinian has holded nearly 30% shares of Ciming Checkup. Compared to the situations above, ranking Alibaba as a top lister seems comes not so far.

Health checkup has become a global trend with the rising awareness of the healthcare management. Last week, Amazon has acquired Health Navigator, a startup that develops APIs for online health services. Thus, it isn’t hard to imagine that plenty of companies would like to officially step into this milk-and-honey land, physical examination and medical services.

Source: https://bit.ly/2opZ0vk

京東、阿里有默契? 揮軍大健康領域



另外一家電商老大哥阿里27日也宣佈入股美年大健康,以10.82%的持份成為第二大股東。在中國民營專業體檢機構中,前三大企業分別是愛康國賓、美年健康、慈銘體檢,今年3月阿里才聯手蘇寧收購了愛康國賓,而美年健康持有慈銘體檢近3成的股份,再拉回到阿里這次成為美年健康的第二大股東,阿里已經成為實質上的體檢一哥。再看看美國亞馬遜也收購了Health Navigator,大健康產業與互聯網巨大流量結合而成的新戰場,儼然成為電商下一波奶與蜜之地。




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