Treasure in Pet Market-IChong, Furrytail, Jackpet Have Successfully Conquered Market in China

According to the statistics from Bain & Company and Tmall, the pet market value has escalated from 40.94 billion to 172.2 billion since 2013. Moreover, we can notice this mainstream in the following cases.

First of all, IChong, is an online checking platform, once raised more than RMB 100 million from CICC Capital, Puhua Capital, and Probingvc, and recently invested by Yuyuan Holdings under Fosun. Another is Furrytail, a brand fully focusing on cat-related products, completed its series A+ funding from Xaomi Venture Capital, Morningside Venture Capital and Volcanics Investment.

Lastly, here comes Jackpet, raised RMB 500 million from Ruipong Healthcare Investment. Meanwhile, it has established a mortar-and-bricks in Nanjing City, which has covered over 4.2 thousand square meters. Moreover, its daily customer traffic is even up to four thousand goers.


寵物市場商機龐大 愛寵醫生、FURRYTAIL尾巴生活、極寵家融資告捷


像是線上問診 App「愛寵醫生」不僅曾獲中金資本、普華資本、探針基金青睞,近日更完成了 1.3 億元人民幣的新一輪融資,金主則是複星旗下上市公司豫園股份。而專注于貓咪的全品類生活方式品牌「FURRYTAIL尾巴生活」,也才剛完成A輪及A+輪融資,由小米戰投領投,晨興、火山石資本跟投,融資額為8000萬人民幣。





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