Healthcare & Medical-related Industry Win the Most Strategic Financing In October

According to HSMAP statistics, the largest financing case for China’s healthcare industry in October was Alibaba’s investment in Meinian Onehealth Healthcare, with a total financing amount of RMB 7.25 billion, and the second highest is Taimei Tech’s E+ financing, amounting to RMB 2.275 billion. As for Fountain Medical, it wins the third place for its round D financing.

The accumulated financing amount for the whole month reached RMB 10.953 billion RMB, of which 15 cases were RMB 100 million. In terms of financing rounds, the ratio of strategic financing was up to 50%. In general, venture capital institutions are still very enthusiastic about the healthcare sector.

The investment preference industry is medical equipment, but in term of the investmenr scale, the largest amount money pours in the medical services, reaching RMB 8.062 billion RMB, accounting for 70% of the financing scale of the month. It is worth noting that the financing of the Meinian Onehealth Healthcare has already accounted for nearly 90%. There are also medicines, smart medical care and industrial services on the investment list. The investment area is concentrated in Beijing, Shanghai and other places. Beijing is mainly in the field of medical devices, and Shanghai is mainly in the field of medical services.


10月健康醫療大盤點 戰略融資占比最高







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