Swedish MedTech Flow Neuroscience Builds Anti-Depression Wearable Treatment


Swedish medical device developer Flow Neuroscience has launched its at-home, wearable treatment for adults with depression. With a behavioral therapy app and Flow’s headset, patients can self-manage their symptoms at home. It’s now available for purchase and use in the U.K. The price of the headset is £399.

Flow’s headset delivers low levels of constant direct brain stimulation aimed at the user’s left frontal lobe. People diagnosed with depression often have lower neural activity in this region of the brain. The therapy helps govern certain cognitive skills and emotional expression. Moreover, compared to typical antidepressant drugs, Flow leads to fewer side effects. The initial treatment takes about a half-hour per session, three times a week for six weeks.

While undergoing stimulation, the free app provides videos and advice about depression, and techniques for reducing symptoms focused on sleep, nutrition, fitness and meditation.

👉Sweet Remind: it is not recommended for pregnant women or people under 18.


瑞典醫療新創Flow Neuroscience創一”機”在手,去去抑鬱症走

瑞典醫療器械公司Flow Neuroscience開發出針對患有抑鬱症的成年人治療的穿戴式裝置–Flow耳機和手機應用程式APP,協助患者能夠在家自主管理,已開放在英國購買及使用,目前售價為399英鎊。


👉注意事項: 在未事先諮詢醫生或醫療保健專業人員的情況下,孕婦及未滿18歲不應使用Flow耳機。




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