China Medbanks Completes Series D+ Round Funding from Tecent’s Second Participation

China Medbanks has annouced the completion of RMB $1 billion series D+ funding round from Tecent, and joined by the investors from the previous round, including Wu Capital, F-Prime Capital, CICC, and IDG Capital. After the latest funding, the total scale is estimated to RMB $5 billion.

Medbanks is a data platform concentrenting on onclolgy field, and meanwhile has established three bussiness headquarter in Ghangzou, Beijing and Shanghai. Moreover, Medbanks’s susbsidairy, MediPISOn, Medbanks Helathcare, Medbanks Pharmacy and Medbanks Medical, have strong sense of oncology on-site management. With the above subsidairies team ally, the company has already built the partnership with several International pharmaceutical factory, biotech industry and hospitals’ trials base.

MediPISOn takes close look in the oncology clinical trials on-site management in China; As for Medbanks Helathcare, it mainly help to schedule the development program and conduct the oncology research and development trials.

Medbanks Pharmacy, is considered as one of the top-ranked drug retail platform, currently, it has been a priority platform for the new drug release. It us equipped with three professional pharmacists and follow-up team for the better medical consultation and management.

Medbanks Helathcare is defined as a patients-center insurance company. Currently, it has cooporated with Taikang Insurance for the firstly launched “Special Drug Insurance” in China market and keep exploring more possiblities in the insurance fields with others insurance company.

騰訊再次領投 思派集團完成D+輪融資

中國思派集團近期完成十億人民幣的D+輪融資,本輪融資由騰訊再次領投,雙湖資本聯合以及先前的投資人斯道資本、F-Prime Capital、中電中金、IDG資本持續跟投,投後估值將達50億元人民幣。

思派網路是專注 #腫瘤 領域的資料平台,目前已在廣州、北京、上海設立三個業務總部,並獲得各大跨國藥廠、新興生物科技企業以及醫院臨床基地等高度肯定。思派旗下有比遜醫療、思派健康、思派大藥房,以及Medbank思派醫療四大業務群,比遜醫療聚焦中國腫瘤領域的臨床研究現場管理,思派健康則提供專業的腫瘤 #臨床研究 與規劃化進程服務。


思派健康則依託醫學資料、精算能力和全國性的腫瘤優選專家網路(PPO),説明各大 #保險 公司設計創新型產品並提供以患者為中心的專業服務,2018年助力泰康保險推出中國國內第一個「特藥險」後,又與多家保險公司合作推出「療效險」、「復發險」、「結節險」等創新健康險產品。思派集團將持續在醫療服務領域創新,提供腫瘤、重症患者更快捷、可靠的全病程專業服務。



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