Deep Funding Round 2 and Loyalty rewards pool

Peter Elfrink
Published in
5 min readMar 20, 2023

The voting portal is open!

We are very happy to announce that, as of today, the voting portal is open!

This vote is a special one for 2 main reasons:

  1. For the first time our voting portal is multi-chain!
    voting is now also possible for holders of AGIX on Cardano. Every holder of AGIX on Ethereum and/or AGIX on Cardano can cast their vote. All AGIX tokens on your wallet balance, locked on or in an unbonded vault on SingularityDAO are taken into account.
  2. We vote for 2 purposes:
  • Year 2 policy of the Loyalty pool rewards
  • Selecting the best projects that will be funded in Deep Funding round 2

Wallet linking tool

To make the process as seamless as possible, we created a wallet-linking tool that enables users to link multiple wallets together. This will have the effect that the total combined balance of all wallets is accounted for in each vote. In other words; it will save you the trouble of going through the voting process multiple times, with different wallets (or collecting all tokens in a single wallet just for the act of voting).
The wallet linking tool will serve multiple tokens and is always accessible on You can link and unlink your wallets whenever you want, staying fully in control. If you have already linked your wallets for the Rejuve launchpad round, you can use the same collection for voting. The only restriction is that any wallet can only belong to a single collection ID. Unfortunately at this point in time we are not able to support hardware wallets, since it is not possible to sign without creating an actual transaction.

Eligible wallets

The following balances are eligible for voting:

  • AGIX Wallet balances
  • AGIX staked on
  • AGIX staked in the unbonded vault on

Voting period and voting portal

You can vote starting Monday March 20th 18:00pm UTC until Tuesday March 28th 12:01pm UTC, by visiting the voting portal on

Deep Funding voting process:

In the renewed voting portal we have organized the projects per Pool. You can get a nice overview of all proposals, including links to presentations given and of course the full proposal on the Deep Funding website. On the voting portal itself, we offer the main information including a short summary and a link to the full proposal. You can grade each proposal in a pool, or just a subset of proposals and sign with your wallet key, before going to the next pool. IMPORTANT: once you have signed, you cannot undo or append to your vote. You can however start with one pool, and do another pool at a later time.

Desired voting behavior: We are again offering graded voting, meaning you can grade a project between 1 (very low) and 10 (very high). We expect however that most projects will end up somewhere in the middle of these extremes. We saw in round 1 that some people are inclined to a more ‘strategic voting’ approach, e.g. by giving one ‘10’ and giving all other projects a ‘1’. This is not desired behavior, and it might lead to a reduced voting weight in this round and/or future rounds. Similarly, wallet splitting with the goal of getting higher overall weight is not desired, and this behavior might also be countered with lower voting weights. Positive contributions on our portal on the other hand will lead to a higher reputation score, which will result in a higher voting weight.
We will give full disclosure of the rules and calculations performed on the basic voting outcomes after the vote. You can read up on the ground rules and conditions on voting weights on our website.

Last but not least, in deciding what projects to vote for, ask yourself: Will this project help grow our decentralized platform? Will it lead to usage and API calls? Do I believe that this team will deliver on their promise? With these conditions in mind and with the combined wisdom of our community, we will for sure select the most promising projects.
Right now, it’s up to you!

Loyalty rewards voting process

Besides Deep Funding round 2, we are also starting the voting process for the Loyalty Rewards pool. The phase two plan dictated a democratic vote by the community on the Loyalty rewards pool after one year. We have had a period of community ideation on the Swae platform, thanks to all who submitted their proposals and discussed the topic at hand. The proposals overlapped on two major factors, being the snapshot period for eligibility and the allocation destination. To get a concretely usable response on the voting procedure, the proposals have been consolidated on getting these two topics clear.

The questions up for vote:

  1. Should we change the current setup?
  2. If we change the current setup, which period should be used for eligibility?
  3. If we change the current setup, which destinations should the allocations go to?

For question 1. the options are simply yes or no. If the outcome would be to change the current mechanics, question 2. will indicate which snapshot period will be used. The period here refers to how long back in time the snapshot for the upcoming year of loyalty rewards will need to be. The options are 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, or all of the above in a tiered system.
Finally, question 3. gives the opportunity to change the destination of the loyalty rewards. Right now all of them go to token holders, with a bonus for staked tokens. Additional suggested destinations are staking rewards on both Ethereum/Cardano, liquidity pool incentives or the SingularityNET Ambassador Program treasury.

After the voting period has closed, there will be a community governance session on the interpretation of the results and how they’ll get implemented.

Closing Remarks

Thanks a lot to those who are voting. You are shaping the future of our platform!
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