Introducing the Artificial Superintelligence Alliance

Published in
4 min readMar 29, 2024

Dear Singularitarians,

SingularityNET was founded on a pledge to develop Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) that is not only decentralized but also democratic, inclusive, and designed to benefit all. This commitment has helped us create AI solutions that address today’s critical challenges while paving the way for a future where prosperity is universally accessible and shared.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024, marked the next step on our journey to creating that future; we announced a multi-billion token merger with our partners, a Web3 platform for the new AI economy, and Ocean Protocol, a decentralized data exchange platform to protect data.

This first-of-its-kind merger establishes the Artificial Superintelligence Alliance — the largest open-sourced, decentralized network focused on accelerating the development of decentralized AGI and, subsequently, Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) for the benefit of humanity and other sentient beings. This merger also signifies our commitment to teaming up with other industry leaders who value openness and decentralization in an effort to create a truly decentralized, beneficial AGI that empowers people; instead of a select few.

The Artificial Superintelligence Alliance

At the heart of this agreement lies the ambition to harness the collective strengths of each partner to accelerate progress in AI research and application.

The Artificial Superintelligence Alliance, comprising SingularityNET, Ocean Protocol and, will pool knowledge and expertise, computing power, data, and market reach to address the problem of concentrated power in the field of AI following an open, decentralized approach to work together on developing Beneficial Artificial General Intelligence (BGI).

By integrating our technologies, communities, and tokens into a unified ecosystem under the ASI token, the alliance aims to foster innovation, ensure greater accessibility to AI technologies, and mitigate the risks associated with centralized AI monopolies.

Implications of the vote

By joining the Alliance, SingularityNET and all partners involved will benefit from their mutual integrations, as well as reach a broader scope of interest and participation by attracting new community members on a massive scale.

By merging the AGIX, FET and OCEAN tokens into a single ASI token, we can share a tokenomic ecosystem that allows for more accessible participation and seamless integration between partners in the Alliance.

Explore the impact and implications of your vote:

· SingularityNET will become a founding member of the largest open-source, decentralized AI research and development initiative, significantly expanding its influence and capabilities in the AI field;

· SingularityNET gains a unique opportunity to collaborate with other decentralized AI leaders (Ocean Protocol and, creating a robust alternative to the centralized AI development model dominated by Big Tech;

· Contribute to the creation of a scalable decentralized AI infrastructure, which emphasizes ethical practices and trustworthiness, leveraging the combined research, brands, technologies, and products of the three entities;

· Facilitate a token merger that unites leading figures in AGI development (Dr. Ben Goertzel, Humayun Sheikh, and Dr. Trent McConaghy) on the blockchain, enhancing the technological path toward AGI. The Superintelligence Alliance will be led by our CEO, Dr. Ben Goertzel, positioned as the CEO of the Alliance and Humayun Sheikh as the Chairman, while Bruce Pon and Trent McConaghy will represent Ocean Protocol;

· Advance commercialization efforts for each company’s technology, thus democratizing access to state-of-the-art AI platforms and extensive databases, fostering universal access to advanced AI solutions;

· Accelerate the development of beneficial AGI on the blockchain, marking a significant step forward in the decentralization and democratization of AI technology.

But here’s what’s not going to change: all our commitments, technological projects, and roadmap plans made up until this point remain intact. What this partnership will do, however, is allow us to achieve milestones at a much more rapid rate, accelerating the progress of our development, the growth of our ecosystem, and the future access to new partnerships and initiatives.

This landmark Alliance to push forward the boundaries of Open-Source AI is subject to approval by SingularityNET (AGIX) token holders.

By casting your vote, you have a direct say in creating the largest open-source, independent player in the field of decentralized AI and AGI research and development.

SingularityNET token holders will be invited to vote on this token merger next week based on ‘one token one vote’. AGIX on Cardano and Ethereum will have equal voting weights.

Please stay tuned for more upcoming information in the upcoming days, including the release of the Artificial Superintelligence Alliance whitepaper, as well as details on the official voting process.

About SingularityNET

SingularityNET is a decentralized AI Platform and Marketplace for Artificial Intelligence (AI) services. Our mission is the creation of a decentralized, democratic, inclusive, and beneficial Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), democratizing access to AI and AGI technologies through:

  • Our Platform, where anyone can develop, share, and monetize AI algorithms, models, and data.
  • OpenCog Hyperon, our premier neural-symbolic AGI Framework, will be a core service for the next wave of AI innovation.
  • Our Ecosystem, developing advanced AI solutions across market verticals to revolutionize industries.

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The world's first decentralized Artificial Intelligence (AI) network