Introducing the SingularityNET Team

Industry veterans join forces to power the future of AI.

Conor O'Higgins
5 min readOct 16, 2017


According to Transparency Market Research, the global artificial intelligence market is projected to grow from $233.8 billion in 2017 to $3.1 trillion in 2025.

The biggest gains, however, will be experienced by platforms that accelerate the ability for AIs to learn from each other and leverage external datasets and capabilities. Such a platform would be one of the biggest breakthroughs ever in the evolution of AI.

To realize this vision, SingularityNET was born.

Meet the team behind the magic

The Core Team

Our AI team’s skills have been honed via building the OpenCog open-source general intelligence platform and doing AI contracts for a long list of clients including Cisco, Huawei, DARPA, and IARPA. Our blockchain team has built expertise through building and launching dozens of blockchain systems and tokens, including Swytch, Heavycoin, and Eurocoin.

With established reputations in AI, ML, theoretical physics, probabilistic logic, deep learning, and blockchain technologies, the core SingularityNET team is comprised of:

Dr. Ben Goertzel, Founder & Project Lead

Dr. Ben Goertzel is a mathematician, polymath, and renowned father of Artificial General Intelligence. As the CEO of SingularityNET, he oversees network development, project staff, and organizational partnerships.

After receiving his Ph.D. in mathematics from Temple University, Dr. Goertzel amassed one of the industry’s leading résumés, establishing a respected record of innovation and project execution. Known globally for his achievements and thought leadership in the AI field, Dr. Goertzel has published hundreds of peer-reviewed papers on artificial general intelligence. (Here’s a small sample.)

Beyond SingularityNET, Dr. Goertzel is the leader of the OpenCog AGI project, organizer of the prestigious annual AGI conference series, Chief Scientist of Aidyia Holdings, Chief Scientist of Hanson Robotics, and Chairman of Novamente. He has developed AI-powered trading and sentiment analysis for Webmind, Clarium Capital, StockMood, Cerrid Capital, and Chaikin Trading.

Dr. David Hanson, Chairman & Robotics Lead

Dr. David Hanson leads robotics development at SingularityNET, as well as providing general vision and oversight. He’s one of the world’s foremost experts in humanoid robotics, having made numerous contributions to the field. His latest creation — Sophia — has been lauded as the world’s most expressive robot. Sophia has been taking time out of her busy schedule to serve as the humanoid spokesperson for SingularityNET.

Dr. Hanson received his Ph.D. in aesthetic studies, interactive arts, and engineering from the University of Texas. He currently serves as founder and CEO of Hanson Robotics.

“SingularityNET has the potential to profit tremendously from the now-universal corporate need for online AI services, to leverage the usage patterns of customers to drive the emergence of general intelligence, to direct the profit thus generated to apply AI for global good.” — Dr. David Hanson

Sophia, Humanoid Spokesperson & Core Node for SingularityNET

Developed by our partner, Hanson Robotics, Sophia is the most advanced expressive robot in the world. She has also become a media darling, having given numerous interviews to multiple media outlets, sang in a concert, and even graced the cover of one of the top fashion magazines. Her interviews have generated billions of views and social media interactions.

She has also shown her potential in business, having met face-to-face with key decision makers across industries including banking, insurance, auto manufacturing, property development, media, and entertainment. In addition, she has appeared onstage as a panel member and presenter in high-level conferences, covering how robotics and artificial intelligence will become a prevalent part of people lives.

Sophia will be a core node of the SingularityNET’s blockchain. Her intelligence will be plugged into the network for everyone’s benefit. Sophia’s mind will be constantly fed with new content from SingularityNET, while at the same time helping to power the network with her human-like intelligence.

“I strongly believe in open source and decentralized control, so that no single individual or corporation or government will be able to dominate AI as it becomes increasingly more intelligent and capable.” — Sophia

Cassio Pennachin, Chief Technology Officer

Cassio leads software development at SingularityNET. Dr. Goertzel’s close collaborator on numerous projects since 1998, he holds degrees in both computer science and business. Along with Dr. Goertzel, he is the original software architect of the OpenCog AGI platform.

Cassio has served a leading role in a number of AI projects, ranging from back and middle office automation to quantitative and news-based price prediction. He has published dozens of peer-reviewed papers on artificial general intelligence and machine learning.

“A platform in which AIs carrying out specific functions can work together seamlessly, helping diverse users in various ways and coordinating together into AI networks of increasingly general intelligence.” — Cassio Pennachin

A strong support staff from design to launch

In addition to our core team, we also have more than 35 junior and senior level support staff, with experience ranging from venture capital to AI. Our platform is positioned to be a major cornerstone of one of the biggest growth markets this century. We’ve worked tirelessly to assemble a world-class team to achieve our vision.

Here’s a small sample of our dedicated support staff:

Dr. Linas Vepstas
With a PhD in theoretical physics, Dr. Vepstas has decades of experience building AI-related software and hardware for major players such as IBM and Qualcomm.

Dr. Nil Geisweiller
Armed with a PhD in probabilistic logic, Dr. Geisweiller has been published widely in respected journals and publications, primarily highlighting his extensive research in mathematics and artificial intelligence.

Dr. Eddie Monroe
Dr. Monroe has a unique skillset, with an ability to leverage his PhD in clinical psych with his extensive programming background, including multiple projects at Apple.

Dr. Alexey Potapov
A Senior Professor at ITMO in St. Petersburg, Dr. Potapov has extensive experience with deep learning and computer vision, as well as genetic algorithms and probabilistic programming.

Next Steps

We have plenty in store for you, and over the next few weeks, we’ll be diving deeper into the functionality of our tech and announcing some exciting corporate partnerships.

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