Mindplex Episode 6: How TrueAGI Will Transform the Global Economy

Haley Lowy
Published in
6 min readMay 12, 2023

Watch the 6th Mindplex Podcast and livestream Pubcast, featuring a fascinating dive into the fundamentals for building AGI and opportunities for Enterprises that can incorporate the technology as it emerges

Greetings Singularitarians, and welcome to your next glimpse of the rapidly approaching future, with Ben Goertzel, Lisa Rein, and Grace Robot, your hosts for The Mindplex Podcast:

The Mindplex Podcast team will host a watch party “Pubcast” live stream of Episode 6 on SingularityNET YouTube on May 12 at 11:00 AM PST/18:00 UTC.

Mindplex Podcast Episode 6 — Live Now!

Our exciting 6th episode features a deep dive into how TrueAGI will fundamentally shift the enterprise landscape by helping businesses implement a future-ready AGI strategy for their customers and services — staying at the forefront of the growing avalanche of AI innovation.

The current wave of LLMs are unprecedentedly impressive — and yet fall short of true intelligence and creativity. The next major AI advances will require a more sophisticated cognitive architecture — enter OpenCog Hyperon, the most advanced neural symbolic AGI framework in the world. TrueAGI will offer AGI-as-a-Service for business use cases. But what does that mean? Dive into the fundamentals of AGI, OpenCog, and TrueAGI with the latest Mindplex Episode:

Watch the Full Mindplex Podcast Episode 6

Mindplex Pubcast Episode 6: AGI for B2B Livestream

After you watch the podcast, join us for the Live Pubcast, where the podcast team and guests will dive further into the inner workings of TrueAGI’s unique AGI strategy. Alexey Potapov will be joining live, along with Matt Iklé, TrueAGI’s Chief Science Officer, plus co-hosts Ben Goertzel, Lisa Rein, and Grace Robot.

New for the first time ever: Live Q and A with Grace Robot!
Ask questions in YouTube chat, and we’ll pass them on to Grace. She will be testing her chat-dialogue system to generate spontaneous answers in real-time.

Grace Robot will be co-hosting again and answering your questions with her onboard chat system!

Transforming the Global Economy — AGI-as-a-Service from TrueAGI

In this episode, Goertzel and Potapov, two of the key minds behind Opencog Hyperon and TrueAGI, dive into some of the deep tech behind their approach to AGI and give an in-depth run-through of the new MeTTa programming language, which is used in Hyperon for both humans and AI algorithms to encode AI processes — and will also be used as a smart contract language in the HyperCycle ledgerless blockchain.

They also describe how humans and AGIs will be creating “specialized sublanguages within MeTTA, to support the different kinds of reasoning and learning that the AI needs to do,” such as:

  • Sublanguages for various types of logical reasoning.
  • Sublanguages for probabilistic programming.
  • A specialized sublanguage for interfacing with deep neural nets, which will play a key role in the initiative by TrueAGI and Zarqa to create neural-symbolic LLMs.

As Ben Goertzel explains,

The basic cognitive architecture behind Hyperon is similar to what we observe in the human mind, but instead of trying to imitate exactly how the brain does things, we fill in each module in the human mind’s architecture with a best-of-breed computer science algorithm carrying out that function.

The big differences between Hyperon and older versions of OpenCog are a more scalable implementation and easier interfacing between neural nets and other AI algorithms, and a deeper mathematical foundation that we’ve worked out in the last few years that allows us to express a variety of different AI algorithms as variations on the same small set of mathematical processes.

OpenCog Hyperon is a modern redesign and reimplementation of the OpenCog Classic AGI framework, intended to enable a scalable and easily usable implementation of the OpenCog algorithms and architecture on current CPU/GPU hardware and decentralized computer networks. It’s also specifically designed to allow close and high-speed interactions between neural models like LLMs and the symbolic-reasoning, evolutionary-algorithm, probabilistic-programming algorithms that OpenCog supports on its distributed Atomspace knowledge metagraph.

The TrueAGI application framework supports deployment of OpenCog Hyperon for business use, breaking new ground in AGI-as-a-service with APIs addressing practical needs across a variety of vertical markets.

As Ben and Alexey explain:

We’ve created the company TrueAGI to pursue commercial applications of OpenCog Hyperon across multiple domains. With an initial focus on partnering with large enterprises and selected small companies on using Hyperon and TrueAGI technology to supply a new AGI back end to the software applications that run the critical parts of their business.

Everyone is talking about AGI now, which is exciting for those of us who’ve been in the field since forever, but there aren’t many others who have the combination of AGI R&D knowledge and practical AI application development experience to pull off what TrueAGI is doing.

Episode 6 Pubcast’s Featured Guests

Alexey Potapov,CAGIO (Chief AGI Officer), True AGI

Alexey Potapov, Chief AGI Officer, TrueAGI — Although Alexey’s primary interest is Artificial General Intelligence, he has more than 20 years of experience with computer vision and pattern recognition (in both purely scientific research and commercial R&D projects).

He’s now leading the development of the interpreter of MeTTa programming language for the OpenCog Hyperon cognitive platform for advancing neural-symbolic models, including knowledge-graph augmented LLMs.

Matt Ikle, Chief Science Officer, TrueAGI

Matt Ikle, Chief Science Officer, TrueAGI — Matt is an expert on complex dynamical systems, working in the field of complex cognitive arcitechture for AGI and decentralized AGI for decades.

Alongside his AI and AGI work with OpenCog and SingularityNET, Matt has an academic background in advanced Mathematics, and currently leads the diverse AI initiatives, projects, and efforts under the SingularityNET umbrella — a complex dynamical system in itself.

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About Mindplex

A non-embodied AGI connected to three humans, forming a “mindplex.” Art by Tesfu Assefa.

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Haley Lowy

Marketing & Communication at SingularityNET… bringing about benevolent Singularity bigger-faster-better!!