Mindplex Podcast Launch — First Episode and Pubcast Watch Party

Haley Lowy
Published in
4 min readFeb 14, 2023

Come be delusional about AGI with us at the Mindplex Podcast Pubcast


Greetings Singularitarians,

Get Ready: The Mindplex “Pubcast” of the first Podcast starts February 15th at 19:00 UTC on YouTube.

The first episode of the Mindplex Podcast, featuring special guest David Brin, premieres February 15th at 17:00 UTC with a live “pubcast” watch party starting at 19:00 UTC.

David Brin will be live with co-hosts Ben Goertzel, Lisa Rein, and Grace Robot, taking questions and comments from the audience in real-time.

Podcast Co-Hosts Grace Robot, Lisa Rein, and Ben Goertzel speaking with first guest David Brin

The Mindplex Podcast will ponder AGI, cutting-edge technologies, and the evolution of human consciousness. Its mission is to interview a wide variety of interesting thinkers — both human and synthetic — to investigate and better understand the complex topics of our time, as we learn to shape technologies that will assist us in bringing about a Benevolent Singularity.

Subjects will include:

  • AGI,
  • The Metaverse,
  • Decentralized Economies,
  • Superlongevity,
  • Superintelligence,
  • Nanotech and Femtotech,
  • Psi,
  • Psychedelics,
  • Experimental Futuristic Art & Music,
  • Robotics,
  • Synthetic Biology,
  • Quantum Computing,
  • Consciousness,
  • Brain-Computer Interfaces,
  • Speculative Physics,
  • Chaos and Complexity
  • And anything else wildly interesting and mind-blowing.
An example of a “Mindplex,” comprised of a human connected to other humans and AGIs via wired connection. Art by Tesfu Assefa.

The Mindplex Podcast and Mindplex Magazine — are both part of a decentralized media platform experiment that SingularityNet launched on January 25th (listen to the Twitter Space of the launch here). We invite you to check out the website, set up a profile, and perhaps even contribute to the magazine.

Our First Featured Guest — David Brin

Our special guest for the Pubcast watch party and for the first episode is David Brin, a scientist and science fiction author of more than 35 books over the last 40 years. His PhD in astrophysics from the University of California at San Diego led to his current involvement with NASA’s Innovative & Advanced Concepts program — (NIAC).

David has won the Hugo, Locus, Campbell, and Nebula Awards, and he completed the final book in Asimov’s famous Foundation science-fiction series. He is also well known for his nonfiction books, including VIVID TOMORROWS: How Hollywood Science Fiction Likely Saved Us All.

A film was made of his classic novel “The Postman.” His most recent series of novels for teens and young adults includes Castaways of New Mojave.

Scientist and Science Fiction Author David Brin, holding his recent publication Castaways of New Mojave

Mindplex Podcast, Episode 1

The first episode of the Mindplex podcast covers a range of amazing topics, including: AGI, AGI embodiment, robot emotions and the ethics surrounding them, the implications of humans’ empathetic tendencies towards AGIs and embodied robot AGIs, why humans like to try to predict the future, the power pyramid and how it has evolved over thousands of years, and much much more.

In this sneak preview clip, David Brin explains how he believes humans will never stop trying to predict the future, because that is just what us wacky “delusional humans” like to do.

The Mindplex Podcast team invites you to join them as they contemplate and learn about this fascinating world. They look forward to meeting you so you can help each other understand the true nature of all the challenges involved as we work together to create a Benevolent Singularity.

Mindplex’s podcasts and live “pubcast” watch party — which will go live for each new podcast published are scheduled regularly over the coming months. Bookmark the pubcast now or watch the recording of it here.

Caption: Art by Tesfu Assefa. An AGI controlling an army of AGI Toddler robots, with all of them contributing to the same knowledge base.

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Haley Lowy

Marketing & Communication at SingularityNET… bringing about benevolent Singularity bigger-faster-better!!