Mindplex Podcast & Pubcast Episode 3: Conquering Death

Haley Lowy
Published in
5 min readMar 23, 2023

Special guests Jasmine Smith, Kennedy Schaal, Deborah Duong, and Michael Duncan talk super-longevity, super-methuselah flies, and an end to aging!

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Watchparty: Mindplex live “Pubcast” for Episode 3 of the Mindplex Podcast
Time: March 23 at 11AM PST/18:00 UTC on the SingularityNET YouTube channel.

Mindplex will livestream their latest Pubcast, “Conquering Death,” to accompany the latest Mindplex Podcast Episode 3: On The Scientific Conquest of Death, which takes a deep dive into Rejuve.AI and Rejuve.BIO, and how Rejuve.BIO’s cutting-edge Methuselah Fly research strategies complement Rejuve.AI’s techniques for developing personalized and “precision-based” anti-aging therapies. Rejuve.AI and Rejuve.BIO’s unique approach is not only aimed at curing aging but also at making sure that these anti-aging therapies are available for all — not just the rich.

During the Pubcast livestream watchparty, the Podcast hosts and guests will participate in a live-streamed discussion about the episode, recent advances, and updates, as well as to take comments and questions from the audience in real-time.

The podcast and pubcast are hosted once again by Ben Goertzel, Lisa Rein, and Grace Robot.

Podcast Guests:

  • Jasmine Smith, CEO of Rejuve.AI
  • Michael Duncan, PA-C, Chief Science Officer Rejuve.BIO & Director of Clinical Research, Rejuve.AI
  • Deborah Duong, CTO of Rejuve.AI
  • Extra Pubcast Guest: Rejuve.BIO’s CEO, Kennedy Schaal, known by many as the “Fly Queen,” will be joining the discussion to cover discoveries from Rejuve.BIO’s Methuselah Fly research. Kennedy was not a participant during the podcast recording, so this will be a special opportunity to hear her insights on the future of aging and the opportunities for model organism transfer learning.
Jasmine Smith, CEO for Rejuve.AI; Deborah Duong, CTO for Rejuve.AI
Kennedy Schaal, CEO Rejuve.BIO & Senior Biologist, Rejuve.AI; Michael Duncan, Chief Science Officer Rejuve.BIO & Director of Clinical Research, Rejuve.AI

Episode 3 takes for granted that extending the human lifespan is a positive goal, which gives Ben and the podcast guests an opportunity to explore what it means to extend the human lifespan by:

  • Recognizing aging as a disease,
  • Researching and isolating all of the various causes and contributors to ‘old age’ and death,
  • Create therapies to address those causes one by one,
  • Gradually extend the healthy human life span (aka healthspan),
  • With the eventual goal of postponing death indefinitely.

Whether you watch the podcast episode before or after the watch party, the pubcast will add an extra layer of information and perspective to the episode itself. See you there!

Watch Episode 3: On The Scientific Conquest of Death with special guests Jasmine Smith, Michael Duncan, and Deborah Duong

Grace Robot, Michael Duncan, Jasmine Smith, Deborah Duong, Lisa Rein, Ben Goertzel.

AI-enabled Longevity: Rejuve.AI & Rejuve.BIO

Rejuve.AI, a spin-off of SingularityNET, is the world’s first decentralized AI longevity research network, bringing together blockchain, artificial intelligence, and longevity-focused research to increase human healthspan dramatically. Rejuve.AI’s mission is to decentralize the contribution of health data, which will enable and accelerate discoveries for advanced longevity therapies — and make the therapies available and affordable to all who want them. Most critically, Rejuve.AI is committed to fairly compensating the data contributors who made these discoveries possible and enabling them to maintain control of their data — forever.

Rejuve Biotech is a partner company to Rejuve.AI and is building an innovative AI-powered drug discovery and development platform. The project is developing a translational medicine service that combines an in-house model organism population with a unique AI-based analytical platform. The platform combines state-of-the-art machine learning and artificial general intelligence methods with a continuously updated biomedical knowledge graph integrating human and model organism databases. The Rejuve Bio Flybase (fly genetics Atomspace database) and longevity drug prediction and discovery engines will be some of the first use cases of the OpenCog Hyperon AGI framework.

The Rejuve Biotech animal model of choice is the long-lived Methuselah Fly, a type of Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly), selectively bred over hundreds of generations to live at least 5 times longer than wild-type flies. These flies offer an expedited mode for generational longevity studies and for early evaluation of potential therapy candidates — faster, less expensive, and more scalable than human or other animal models.

The Mindplex Podcast, background

The Mindplex Podcast ponders AGI, cutting-edge technologies, and the evolution of human consciousness. Its mission is to interview a wide variety of interesting thinkers — both human and synthetic — to investigate and better understand the complex topics of our time as we learn to shape technologies that will assist us in bringing about a Benevolent Singularity.

Subjects range from

  • AGI and nanotech
  • To experimental music and speculative physics,
  • And anything else wildly interesting and mind-blowing.
A human connecting to other humans and AGIs using brain-computer interfaces connected to laptops. Art by Tesfu Assefa.

The Mindplex Podcast and Mindplex Magazine are both part of a decentralized media platform experiment that SingularityNet launched on January 25th (listen to the Twitter Space of the launch here). We invite you to check out the website, set up a profile, and even contribute your own futurist thinking to the magazine.

The Mindplex Podcast team invites you to join them as they contemplate and learn about this fascinating world. They look forward to meeting you so you can help each other understand the true nature of all the challenges involved as we work together to create a Benevolent Singularity.

Mindplex’s podcasts and live “pubcast” watch parties — will happen each time a podcast is published. Bookmark the pubcast now or watch the recording of it here.

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Haley Lowy

Marketing & Communication at SingularityNET… bringing about benevolent Singularity bigger-faster-better!!